This week's Huddle will take place on Saturday as usual at 5.00pm UK time (GMT).
As ever, you are invited to submit your WiPs for discussion and feedback from Pete and the collective. But not only WiPs. Query letters, book proposals, synopses and blurbs are all welcome. Also, anything you've spotted in the press or online that's relevant to the industry. And of course Pete will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Ask him anything about publishing or the book world. He's a mine of information.
Submitting's not mandatory as you're more than welcome to just come along and participate in the general discussion.
The only stipulation is that you must be a Full Colony Member. So if that's you and you'd like to attend, then please add your name below to reserve a place. You'll then be included in the Private Group in the Huddle Hangout. (Link below).
The Zoom link is in the first post of that group and gives you access to the event itself. After that, all you need do is come along on the day to join in the fun... and maybe pick up some great craft tips, too. (meeting opens approx. 4.30pm for a 5.00pm start)
As ever, you are invited to submit your WiPs for discussion and feedback from Pete and the collective. But not only WiPs. Query letters, book proposals, synopses and blurbs are all welcome. Also, anything you've spotted in the press or online that's relevant to the industry. And of course Pete will be happy to answer any questions you might have. Ask him anything about publishing or the book world. He's a mine of information.
Submitting's not mandatory as you're more than welcome to just come along and participate in the general discussion.
The only stipulation is that you must be a Full Colony Member. So if that's you and you'd like to attend, then please add your name below to reserve a place. You'll then be included in the Private Group in the Huddle Hangout. (Link below).
The Zoom link is in the first post of that group and gives you access to the event itself. After that, all you need do is come along on the day to join in the fun... and maybe pick up some great craft tips, too. (meeting opens approx. 4.30pm for a 5.00pm start)