News How to ruin your own writing career part 2: An eejit busy using Twitter/X to accuse someone of stealing her idea.

Hannah F

Full Member
Jan 18, 2020
Roslin, Edinburgh, Scotland

Haven't read this Lauren's book, but she's gaining a lot of 1 star reviews on Amazon and a lot of shade about her writing craft on BookTok plus folk pointing out the audacity of complaining about copyright-theft when she herself has used AI for her book cover art. She has become a bit of a target for plagiarism jokes, people taking words from her tweets and saying e.g. "did you just use the word shovel in your tweet? I have the copyright on the use of shovels. You'll be hearing from my attorney."

The tweets would actually be funny if it wasn't so ridiculous-sad, especially for Marve Michael Anson, the targeted author who is wisely staying out of it as is her agent, Kesia Lupo. I suspect Marve's Firstborn of the Sun will get more sales when it comes out, this debacle bringing it to people's attention. A little silver lining for a victim of on-line harassment by a single eejit.

P.S. Feel free to use the concept of sun-power. It's a well-known trope.
Hmm...reminds me of another writer who's been known to hound other authors with claims of plagiarism. Mental health issues played a part there.

Kesia has been a Pop-Ups guest a couple of times — I hope she doesn't suffer with the fallout. She's a decent sort.