Hi from a newbie :)

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Apr 3, 2018
Bobcaygeon Ontario Canada
Hi to all, this is my first attempt at reaching out here. I'm a new author, retired in Ontario Canada. I'm on my third book and have no idea if they are any good. I've submitted one to Litopiia pop up review. If you like you can see them on my website at peasebooks.com Any help is welcome. thanks Steve
Hi to all, this is my first attempt at reaching out here. I'm a new author, retired in Ontario Canada. I'm on my third book and have no idea if they are any good. I've submitted one to Litopiia pop up review. If you like you can see them on my website at peasebooks.com Any help is welcome. thanks Steve

Welcome. I'll certainly check out your website and take a look.
Are you going to stay and listen for the duration, Steve? It'll be discussed and then posted up on here later on, and stay up for a few days. Assuming Peter doesn't run out of time in which case he'll talk about it next time, I'm sure. He doesn't read them in advance, deliberately.
When I wrote too many reports, I found it impacted on my writing. Then again, my boss once announced that my reports were a great work of fiction.
Yes I'm going to be here for the foreseeable future. I have sooo much to learn. I was a detective for most of my years and I think the writing I did at work all those years actually taught me some very bad habits. Imagination has no part in police work. The facts ma'am just the facts as the saying goes. I've written two books and halfway through my third. Thanks for replying everyone, what a nice group yo are :) .. Steve
Hello and welcome. Do you write crime fiction?
Hi Patricia, yes my first book "Enigma in Whitechapel" was based on my family genealogy. They came to Canada from London where they lived in the Whitechapel area. They lived there when Jack the Ripper was committing his infamous murders. That triggered the idea to write my version of what could have happened. Although based on history, the story is mostly fiction. Steve
Death in the street! This is not a new novel, but real life. I was a cop in Toronto Ontario retiring in 2006. Sadly some nut decided to run down and kill (murder) 10 innocent people last Monday. When I joined the police force in 73 mass murder happened in other places, not Toronto. I'm glad I'm retired but worry about the two family members who are still serving. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of all the victims. .... Steve
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