Help Please! Hi, can anyone volunteer to read over my work?

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Would anyone like to read over my work and make suggestions for what I can change?
I'm kind of looking for a group of kindred spirits that would be able to motivate me. I've been in a writing slump for a while and I would greatly appreciate a little pushing.
I have a few books to read as it is, but if you're still looking in a few months I'll be happy to help. I'll even send you my own for you to read through, when we're ready to exchange.
What style of book is it? Give us a little teaser to whet our appetites :P
Here's the blurb which I wrote a wee while ago:

Eternal Blurb
Scottish highscool is not easy for Melissa Galloway. She has no mother, a dysfunctional relationship with her father, she get's bullied by her classmates and her best friend doesnt exactly protect her from that. To top it off she is also a wiccan and has a huge crush on the guy everybody calls JW.

This would be more than enough for a girl just coming into her teens to deal with, but she has to hide her exemplary powers as a witch from everyone, and these powers have been picked up on by a shadowy group of people... No wonder she never does her maths homework!
That sounds quite interesting, I'd definitely be up for reading more when I've got some time free.
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