Hello :)

  • Thread starter Thread starter iluvbeezih8wasps
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Hello :) I hope you will have a good time here, and a useful one.

Re: your handle. I've only seen one wasp this summer. I don't like them either; I got a big stinging when I was 19, on a mountainside in the Solway, and auto-immune illness has followed to this day. Tempted to squish the stripey little b*stard, but having only seen the one, put it out of the window.
Welcome! I suffered a whole bunch of wasp stings in the summer, when in pruning a hedge I also pruned a wasp's nest. The itchiness a few days later was far worse than the sting, for me...drove me nuts.
Hear, hear!

Found this site a few weeks back looking for information to publish a book, though I found the advice on the main site good. So here I am, hoping to make some sort of contribution!

So hello everyone :)
Welcome! We're glad you've come — I like your attitude.


Don't listen to anyone else, just me, the rest are mad, I know the way out.
I would go with this guy.

Not true - he's been here too long. He's infected as well. *maniacal cackling*
Oop — never mind.
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