Hello - newbie saying hello

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Apr 24, 2018
Hi everyone,

I have to say I stumbled upon this by accident - and am instantly struck by the fact that this forum is what's been missing in my life!

In terms of a quick bio:
I've been writing for the last three years and have been enjoying the process.
I am at the stage where I'm looking for some feedback on what I've done - and to chat to like minded people about writing in general.
I work part-time and have young 3 children - so I don't have a lot of free time - but essentially all of it goes on reading/writing.
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hi - my current wip is a crossover between fantasy and historical fiction - based in both Irish history and mythology. :)

Do many people write fantasy or historical fiction in Litopia?
Hi and welcome.
It sounds like you have come to the right place.
You will probably find the back catalogue of threads in the Cafe a very interesting read.
And there is always someone here to help you if you have a particular question.
In a week's time you will be able to post a section of your work for general comments in the Groups section where everyone can give it a good read.
We look forward to seeing what you have done.
I read historical fiction. Grew up on a diet of that, and mythology...hooray, Irish and other. Alan Garner features the Morrigan in his most recent novel, Boneland. Or is she the Morrigan?
Fantasy...oh yes :) You'll find plenty of fellow fantasy writers here. Crossover, why not?
Hi there Laoise, it appears that your life is my life, except for one less child and Victorian history instead of Irish. Welcome to the Colony! :)

Do many people write fantasy or historical fiction in Litopia?
Check out this thread for some of the fantasy writers. As for the historical, why don't you start a thread of your own and ask them to put their hands up? :)
I read historical fiction. Grew up on a diet of that, and mythology...hooray, Irish and other. Alan Garner features the Morrigan in his most recent novel, Boneland. Or is she the Morrigan?
Fantasy...oh yes :) You'll find plenty of fellow fantasy writers here. Crossover, why not?

Ah yes - Morrigan features in my story also - interesting!
Hi and welcome.
It sounds like you have come to the right place.
You will probably find the back catalogue of threads in the Cafe a very interesting read.
And there is always someone here to help you if you have a particular question.
In a week's time you will be able to post a section of your work for general comments in the Groups section where everyone can give it a good read.
We look forward to seeing what you have done.

Thank you, Tim.

Looking forward to accessing the writers group and reading what others have up. I post work every so often in Critique Circle - and do a lot of critiquing - and there is no doubt reading the work of others is a massive way to hone your craft.
Hi there Laoise, it appears that your life is my life, except for one less child and Victorian history instead of Irish. Welcome to the Colony! :)

Check out this thread for some of the fantasy writers. As for the historical, why don't you start a thread of your own and ask them to put their hands up? :)

haha - Thanks Rich.

Yes - the life of a working parent doesn't allow for much time - and when our interests are as bespoke as ours it's always nice to find like-minded individuals on the internet - they don't seem to exist in the real world.
hi - my current wip is a crossover between fantasy and historical fiction - based in both Irish history and mythology. :)

Do many people write fantasy or historical fiction in Litopia?

Hi, welcome to the colony. I don't think you'll struggle to make contact with either fantasy or historical writers here, we have lots. Combining the two sounds interesting - if you want a (possibly very) relevant glance at a novel in that exact field that got published and did OK, then have a look at George Green's "Hound", a reimagining of The Tain [sp?] which focuses on how myth can be made in 'real time'

p.s. I' recommending this entirely because it's good, rather than because George was my best man! :-)
Hi, welcome to the colony. I don't think you'll struggle to make contact with either fantasy or historical writers here, we have lots. Combining the two sounds interesting - if you want a (possibly very) relevant glance at a novel in that exact field that got published and did OK, then have a look at George Green's "Hound", a reimagining of The Tain [sp?] which focuses on how myth can be made in 'real time'

p.s. I' recommending this entirely because it's good, rather than because George was my best man! :)

Thanks Andrew, I just googled the book and looks like something I would enjoy! I love all the legends of cuchulan. I bet your friend did a lot of reasearch to write his book!
Hi, all!

I'm generally a recluse except when it comes to books and writing. I'm pretty active on Goodreads but almost nothing else online.

As it is, all my days are filled with books, books, and more books. Yeah, there's real life stuff in there somewhere, in-between all the cracks in the books, but mostly it's just a gray haze that interferes with the vividly vivacious BOOKS. :)

I have a slight suspicion that this might be slightly familiar to the rest of you.
Hi, all!

I'm generally a recluse except when it comes to books and writing. I'm pretty active on Goodreads but almost nothing else online.

As it is, all my days are filled with books, books, and more books. Yeah, there's real life stuff in there somewhere, in-between all the cracks in the books, but mostly it's just a gray haze that interferes with the vividly vivacious BOOKS. :)

I have a slight suspicion that this might be slightly familiar to the rest of you.

HI Bradley - books have a way of pulling you in, don't they. I think some of the characters I've been writing are becoming better friends to me than me real friends.... or is that just me?
HI Bradley - books have a way of pulling you in, don't they. I think some of the characters I've been writing are becoming better friends to me than me real friends.... or is that just me?
The ones we write ARE more real than anyone else. They're also great psychotherapists, punching bags, and psychic emanations in need of a good bonfire. But yeah, best friends?

Oh, my. I treat my friends like CRAP! ;)
Hi everyone,

I have to say I stumbled upon this by accident - and am instantly struck by the fact that this forum is what's been missing in my life!

In terms of a quick bio:
I've been writing for the last three years and have been enjoying the process.
I am at the stage where I'm looking for some feedback on what I've done - and to chat to like minded people about writing in general.
I work part-time and have young 3 children - so I don't have a lot of free time - but essentially all of it goes on reading/writing.
The ones we write ARE more real than anyone else. They're also great psychotherapists, punching bags, and psychic emanations in need of a good bonfire. But yeah, best friends?

Oh, my. I treat my friends like CRAP! ;)

Haha! How true... now I’m thinking about it my fictional friends may not be happy about some of the story lines I give them!
Haha! How true... now I’m thinking about it my fictional friends may not be happy about some of the story lines I give them!
Honestly, I think I've made more enemies than the Cathar's Demiurge, if only within my own mind. "Kill them all and let God sort them out!" lol

God being, of course, the editor. :)
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