Hello from a newbie

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Jacqueline Koay

Hello Litopians, I'm Jacqueline. I'm finding it tough starting out as a novelist though I've published quite a few non-fiction books. So I'm hanging out here for motivation (love Fanfares!) and see what everybody is doing. It's also a lonely life being a writer. See you around, x
I did, and you are right, I wasn't disappointed :-) Thanks for the welcome.
Hello Litopians, I'm Jacqueline. I'm finding it tough starting out as a novelist though I've published quite a few non-fiction books. So I'm hanging out here for motivation (love Fanfares!) and see what everybody is doing. It's also a lonely life being a writer. See you around, x
Welcome from another new arrival!
Thank you, Robinne....I'm going to need that!
Would you mind sharing some info about your non-fiction books? A published author is something awesome.

Hello Peggy, Nice to hear from you .... on the day I am having self-doubts about becoming a novelist :-)

Re my non-fiction, my first one was published by Gaia-Hachette. It was a big publisher and I was invited to their swish London offices to discuss my book proposal (I did not have an agent). All very efficient and soulless. The book went on to be a finalist in Gourmand World Cookbook Awards the year it was published - all the glamour that a new author can only dream about!

I decided to self-publish after that, to take my future books in the direction I wanted. I managed to get serialisation rights so I made money. And from talks and courses. And won an award as an 'independent publisher' - it was a big one, too, Moms Choice!

But it was hard work! I think I was successful as a non-fiction writer because I have a strong platform. I blog a lot about parenting, yoga and lifestyle. On a good week, I could get around 1 million hits.

So here I am, at the bottom rung of the fiction ladder. Wish me luck!
Gosh that does sound impressive.

And loads of luck on your new path. May you reach the heights fast. Your existing platform should help. Agents are always happy with something like that.
Thank you, Peggy, and good luck to you too!! I am struggling a bit actually but hey, life is never easy, right? We keep trucking.
Hello, and many congratulations on your considerable writing achievements so far :) Have you a story in mind?
Welcome Jacqueline! May I call you Jaqx? Making a change is always tough, but the rewards are just around the corner... didn't help much, did it?
Dear Richard, thank you for your kind message. Guess what, it helped ... when you are struggling, every single kind encouragement helps!!!! Many thanks. Jacqx.
Hello and welcome. The transition from non-fiction to fiction is a journey but, IMO, shorter than from not writing to writing. Have you started writing the fiction?
Hi Patricia, thank you for the message. I am taking heart from what you wrote :-) Hopefully it won't be too long a journey, but patience is a virtue, right? Yes, I have completed the work. It's on www.catchinginfinity.com. Now waiting for the right agent to work with me. x
Hello and welcome @Jacqueline Koay. I promise I´m not a stalker, but I saw your message about tarot and I went over to your blog. And I stayed for about 3 hours! You have some really interesting things there! I really like your links, and your idea for the novel ( though I have some question in my head already), and your recipes, and your mind map!...shall I go on?:oops:
Hello and welcome @Jacqueline Koay. I promise I´m not a stalker, but I saw your message about tarot and I went over to your blog. And I stayed for about 3 hours! You have some really interesting things there! I really like your links, and your idea for the novel ( though I have some question in my head already), and your recipes, and your mind map!...shall I go on?:oops:
Hey, stalkers welcome! That's how desperate wannabe authors are for fans :-D Thank you for liking the book-to-be. I am really passionate about it. Well, it's 20 years of my life in there. I hope it won't take that long for the book to get published. OMG!
Checked out your story. Reads interesting. If you are querying, have you joined Query Tracker?
Hi Peggy, good morning. Thanks for looking in. Not querying but will look at Query Tracker. Thanks for the heads up, Peggy.
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