Harsh Writing Advice

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Very thorough. I agree with a lot of what you said! I think, on the journey of settling in as a writer, there are times when I wouldn't have been ready to accept all you said. I would've been under-confident. And, ha ha, I've always disliked the phrase; 'kill your darlings'. It just doesn't make sense to me at all. I'm a total pantser. I find this story within myself. When I've veered off into the wrong tangent, then yes, I eradicate those chapters from the story. But the way I've heard 'kill your darlings' used at times, it was almost a, 'well, if that character is dear, and precious, then you MUST kill them off!' Uh, no. What I think you're saying is, if it doesn't suit the story well, then be willing to let it go. That, I agree with!
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