Habits to increase writing quality

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Feb 27, 2015
This is the second day I've woken up at 4 am. As usual inspired from Colony members - I think it was @Tara Rose that does this too.

I have to say that I didn't ever think it was possible but I feel alive! lol. My writing is slightly suffering as I read some of my disjointed posts on here :D. Hoping that settles quickly because I can't work with a mushy brain.

Did anyone have to change habits too?

I'm a mum of two with several 'projects' on the go. I've closed some down though to focus on this opportunity.

(see what i mean by disjointed - the symptoms of waking early and trying to write this, feed the kids breakfast and go out for a school meeting!)
I roll over and try and go back to sleep! I really need a better set up, laptop on the lap is not really ideal, but I know where you are coming from. Rather like waking in the middle of the night with a sudden idea for the story, gotta get it written down before you forget ;)
haha...just realised it should say 'quality writing'....*sigh* lots more early mornings needed for me then lol :D

Edit..oh actually I may have meant the first. Oh man I am tired am not sure if I'm degenerating as the day is progressing.
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I roll over and try and go back to sleep! I really need a better set up, laptop on the lap is not really ideal, but I know where you are coming from. Rather like waking in the middle of the night with a sudden idea for the story, gotta get it written down before you forget ;)

Yep...sounds like what I usually do at 4 am but now i am up like a skunk's tail ready to..no no..that's not family friendly. :oops:
I think my habit is the actual writing itself. Before this i would be crocheting when i am now writing lol I do like obsessive tasks :p
I think my habit is the actual writing itself. Before this i would be crocheting when i am now writing lol I do like obsessive tasks :p

Uncanny - My daughter just finished crocheting a small bag. Literally just now. She's off doing one for her brother.

Writing...crocheting....All healthy obsessions.
I tried knitting... but my poor left right hand dominance wrecks havoc. Can'y knit to save myself! But boy can I crochet ;) I crocheted a bunny suit for Matthew while I was in labor! haha
I tried knitting... but my poor left right hand dominance wrecks havoc. Can'y knit to save myself! But boy can I crochet ;) I crocheted a bunny suit for Matthew while I was in labor! haha

Whereas I was screaming for the drugs...but different horses for different courses ;)
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