Greetings from (chilly) Ireland

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Nov 5, 2018
Hi everyone. My name's Eoghan, and I'm serious about writing. Crime fiction is my genre, but basically, I read everything. I've completed the first book in a planned trilogy, and have written the first draft of the second installment. (Haven't a clue where the third book is going to lead, but I'll figure it out!) Oh, I also have to figure out how to upload a photo correctly on this website. At the moment it's appearing sideways... I'll work on it later.
So, yeah, making up stories, and finding ways for bad guys to kill people and get away with it, is what I do in my spare time. I also write short stories - one was just shortlisted for the 2018 Bridport Short Story Competition, which I was pleased about. Literary validation!
I'm really looking forward to listening and learning from y'all in the weeks and months ahead, and going forward, if there's anything I can do to help anyone, just shout.
Hello....:) There are a few crime-centric writers and readers about the place, meaning that in the best possible sense of course. Congrats on being shortlisted for the Bridport
Really appreciate the warm welcome from everyone. I feel at home already, Webbwalker, and you're right, Leonara, I'll like it here... Thanks very much, Katie-Ellen. Looking forward to navigating my way around the site, and getting to know all your literary tastes and styles. Any favourite crime novelists, Matnov?
Welcome on board. Also working on a crime novel second draft so share your pain/pleasure.
Hi Matnov,
What's your crime novel about? I'm on draft... gosh, I don't know. 2012 I started, so.... yeah, it's a long process. If you want me to read any of it at some stage, I'll be happy to give you feedback.
@NoviceWriter , I am living on the south Kildare/Laois border. I write fiction with some speculative elements. Congratulations on the Bridport... we have a wonderful Flash Fiction club here which is always great fun :)

Nice part of Ireland. I come from Roscommon, and spend most of my time now commuting between Athlone and Maynooth.
Must look into the flash fiction club... Really enjoyed the pop-up submission gig last Sunday Great professional advice, dished out free.
Welcome to the colony!
Thanks Robinne,
I guess it's warmer there than where I am. New Zealand is a place I intend to visit at some stage. Friends say it's magical. The only person I know from New Zealand is the AC/DC's on again / off again drummer Phil Rudd. (He's from Tauranga I believe.
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