Getting nowhere fast? 82 rejections? Don't give up if you believe in your project

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Oops. I didn't read the piece. I just saw her on the telly and presumed she was trad as she was coming over as such.

Better read the damn thing now :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:


Seems she's published by Penguin? Early stuff was Random House Digital. I could be wrong about that though. I don't know anything about her as she seems to be YA?
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Oops. I didn't read the piece. I just saw her on the telly and presumed she was trad as she was coming over as such.

Better read the damn thing now :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:


Seems she's published by Penguin? Early stuff was Random House Digital. I could be wrong about that though. I don't know anything about her as she seems to be YA?
Children's, so even younger than YA -and 31 years ago. She has an OBE now.
She's the author of Noughts and Crosses (YA distopian). She's mainly trad published and is also a scriptwriter for BBC children's programmes.

To put her in perspective, Brandon Sanderson had 13 books rejected before he got his break. (The rest, as they say, is history.)
She's the author of Noughts and Crosses (YA distopian). She's mainly trad published and is also a scriptwriter for BBC children's programmes.

To put her in perspective, Brandon Sanderson had 13 books rejected before he got his break. (The rest, as they say, is history.)
New Canadian volunteer has a big thick book of his. Big fantasy reader . She says books in Ireland are so cheap. In Canada the things cost 30 dollars or more. Course that is 30 Canadian and she may have the exchange wrong. I know switching from Swiss Francs everything seemed cheap.
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