Frequent readers make the best lovers

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
Proof, if proof were needed, that readers are sexier and more intelligent than the average person comes from the reports mentioned in this article:

Frequent readers make the best lovers, say dating-app users

This can only mean that writers are stupendously attractive and brainy!

I certainly agree that readers make better lovers—it helps me, for sure—all I've got to do now is find someone to be there when it happens!

I certainly agree that readers make better lovers—it helps me, for sure—all I've got to do now is find someone to be there when it happens!

Would you ask the recipient of your charms after this happens Paul to come on yo Litopia and post their views on your having knowledge of each other? Just to see if the article is correct of course.
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