For the YA writers here, Trends for 2015...

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Sep 25, 2014
via oh no, huff puff, The Huff Post.

Crims and cons, and great re-tellings of old stories, quirky and moving and dealing with loss looks like it, in a nutshell....

Young adults will never tire of vampires and alternate versions of reality, especially including an apocalypse of some kind.
Thanks, Katie! The book I'm currently pulling out of my trench coat and creeping up to agents with "Would would like to see me wares?" does deal with death, but it's not the driving point of the story (it is for one character, but not the story). The one I'm currently writing I can't see fitting these themes, but, ah well! At least I'm planning to keep the word count in check this time. :p Again, thanks as always for sharing what you find. :)
Heh, have fun frightening those agents, you writer stalker bunny, you.....

Ah hahaha! I think I picture myself more like this though:

Much less intimidating!
The whole "quirky and moving and dealing with death" part... John Green leads the YA pack in those types of novels and teens adore his stories!
Sorry to disagree, but vampires have surely had their day ... or night ... or twiglet. Now if there were stories about mutated chimeras with a fetish for cheese, you might be onto something.
Sorry to disagree, but vampires have surely had their day ... or night ... or twiglet. Now if there were stories about mutated chimeras with a fetish for cheese, you might be onto something.
Surely they have, but someone needs to tell that to these agents I am querying...
Best to stick to dragons, they come in several breeds like my 'defender' black and white dragon, black left side, pure white right side.... :D
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