Flash club dead?

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It is, but comments are discouraged, and though this heads off any trouble, it reduces the interaction. There used to be the spur or kudos of writing a peer-judged winning entry, with the carrot of possible future publication on Litopia's Home Page. Yes, we do it for the fun but....
I believe possible publication on Litopia's Home Page is still there.
Y-es....I think it's a good way to go.

And meantime I enjoy other people's stories and put my own in, when the spirit moves. But it has got quieter; no prompt for last week.
So, just to be clear--we are not supposed to leave any comments? That´s odd. I didn´t know that. I´ve been guilty of leaving my share. What then is the reason for it?
It would be nice to see some of the flash club entries on the homepage and would certainly give it a bit of a boost.

I have to admit though that I liked it when it was a competition, especially if I was trying out something a bit experimental, if it picked up a few votes I knew I was on the right track!
I've been on a new project, and it's been going so well, I haven't wanted to get sidetracked with anything. But I do enjoy it. Let us know if we can help you out, Kevin--if you need a break from it--have someone else post a couple prompts until your schedule calms down a bit?
I've been on a new project, and it's been going so well, I haven't wanted to get sidetracked with anything. But I do enjoy it. Let us know if we can help you out, Kevin--if you need a break from it--have someone else post a couple prompts until your schedule calms down a bit?

Yes Robinnne, you are right, I did suggest to Agent Pete that we should have someone else, other than myself and Robin, particularly a female voice. I think 3 is better than 2, so I will raise the issue again. But please, any suggestions for prompts are more than welcome and I am not so vain as to think I know better than anyone else.
It would be nice to see some of the flash club entries on the homepage and would certainly give it a bit of a boost.

I have to admit though that I liked it when it was a competition, especially if I was trying out something a bit experimental, if it picked up a few votes I knew I was on the right track!
I agree - I had more fun when it was a competition. It gave me a little more of an incentive to join in.
So, just to be clear--we are not supposed to leave any comments? That´s odd. I didn´t know that. I´ve been guilty of leaving my share. What then is the reason for it?
Who said you can't leave comments? I'm certainly not aware of that.
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