Festival of Writing in york

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Feb 27, 2015
This is taking place in early September. I suspect many of us cannot attend. I for one have a flight out on the first day :( but that doesn't mean we cannot benefit from this event :)


Here's what you can do...

1.In the booking form look through the list of one to one agency slots. Click 'BOOK TODAY!'
2. Jot down all names (especially the fully booked agents) these guys are scouting for new talent. This can be found on each day. Note that saturday is the busiest one with almost all the agents listed in their drop down box. (If you can't find this let me know.)
3. Google their name and read through their submissions requirements.
4. Prepare a submission pack for the relevant ones.
5. Submit.

Good luck!


Edit on 25 nov 2015 @David Steele ..this is the thread. Some of the work i mentioned includes research the agent background. Book a one to one with them through the festival. Follow them on twitter and converse with them ..tweet that you are looking forward to such and such festival where people like so and so will be there. Include their twitter accounts so they take note (they will if you are at an event that they will be speaking at).
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This is taking place in early September. I suspect many of us cannot attend. I for one have a flight out on the first day :( but that doesn't mean we cannot benefit from this event :)


Here's what you can do...

1.In the booking form look through the list of one to one agency slots. Click 'BOOK TODAY!'
2. Jot down all names (especially the fully booked agents) these guys are scouting for new talent. This can be found on each day. Note that saturday is the busiest one with almost all the agents listed in their drop down box. (If you can't find this let me know.)
3. Google their name and read through their submissions requirements.
4. Prepare a submission pack for the relevant ones.
5. Submit.

Good luck!
That's close to my wedding anniversary!!!
Hmmmm I feel a little bribery coming on... Saying that... I doubt I could afford it anyway :(
I will just have to think of something else to bribe him for :rolleyes: haha

Thanks for posting though:)
You're welcome :) @Karen Gray glad it's useful.

Happy anniversary! (For when it happens). My one is on the 6th December. It will be our 13th year! :)
York is closer this time @Karen Gray for you. Hope you get to go. Last time's suggestion I made a mess of it as i recall ;). Am i learning? :D
Lol 11th September 6 years this year, so I have some catching up to do on you Mrs!

Aye a wee taddy closer this time :p
What's the general consensus? Apart from the suggestion above is this a good festival to attend? Or are others better? Off the top of my head, both Winchester and Harrogate spring to mind?

What do you think?


What's the general consensus? Apart from the suggestion above is this a good festival to attend? Or are others better? Off the top of my head, both Winchester and Harrogate spring to mind?

What do you think?



The agents are worth getting a one to one with. If you can book yourself with one that is relevant for you.
Aye indeed ;) but you have many years more ahead of you than I. :D
Well that's just a tad bluntly morbid isn't it? I got on at my Barbara (lol my Barbara... mother-in-law) the other day for laughing at us because she she will be (and I quote) "dead when Sophie is having her teenage strops haha." o_O
I was like "FFS Barbara!"
Well that's just a tad bluntly morbid isn't it? I got on at my Barbara (lol my Barbara... mother-in-law) the other day for laughing at us because she she will be (and I quote) "dead when Sophie is having her teenage strops haha." o_O
I was like "FFS Barbara!"

Morbid...I used to use morbidity rates to calculate pension pots..ah yes....a past career life that is most certainly dead. :p
Hahaha, everybody now! "Always look on the bright side of life..."
"I'm Brian!"
On a somewhat related topic, Literary Leicester is happening sometime in November. It's free I do believe. I hope to attend, anyone able to join me?
Sadly that's pretty far for us right this second :(

Doesn't mean I can't be there in spirit :p (i.e. in your pocket on your phone saying "Ooo what's it like Jen?"

I shall be taking a camera with me, Will Self has attended in previous years so maybe some celebrity snapping shall occur and you'll see just how shocking I am with a cam :)
Lol You can't be that bad :p

Will be nice to see the pictures though :)
Are there any more notable festivals to mention?

Contact IPG or search on twitter.

Lol @ answering my own qn!
Even MORE cunning, hehehe! My kind of gal!

You know what they say...flattery gets you .....a list of agents.... :D

*Alison Hennessey
Allie Spencer
Andrew Willie
Anna Lewis
*Ben Illis
C M Taylor
*Carrie Pitt
*Chris Wellbelove
*Clare Wallace
David Haviland
David Maybury
*Debi Alper
Emma Darwin
Hal Duncan
*Hellie Oyden
James Wills
*Jenny Savill
Jeremy Sheldon
Jessica Leeke
*Jo Unwin
*Joanna Swainson
*John Wordsworth (!)
*Julia Churchill
Julie Cohen
*Lorella Belli
*Nelle Andrew
Norah Perkins
*Penny Holroyde
Phil Patterson
*Piers Blofeld (it's him! the guy who did youtube rejections live!)
Robert Caskie
Sam Copeland
*Sandra Sawicka
Shelley Harris
Tamswyn Murray
*Diana Beaumont
David Hedley
Claire McGowan

* - fully booked at time of writing these down. Translate as 'highly sought'.
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