Help Please! Feedback needed on story title

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I recently wrote a flash piece about a woman who is denying an essential fact about herself even though she has had glimpses about this fact. I am the world's worst with coming up with titles, and I came up with this: "A Hasp, A Latch, A Peephole." The idea is supposed to be that she won't open the door on the fact, but she can almost see that it's out there.

Please, be brutal -- is this too obscure?
I think as long as it becomes apparent through the story, that title sounds funky.
Hard to say without reading the story. I certainly like the idea of a title that references a critical element or concept in the story, such that the title becomes auxiliary to the story, rather than being just a label. And it's fine, in my opinion, for said reference to be a little obscure.
That said, I am not sure if I like 'peephole', seems to have mildly distasteful associations? Or is that just me....
BTW, if you want to PM me with the story pasted into the email body, I'd be happy to give an opinion on the title--and feedback on the rest--if you think that would be helpful. Only thing is, it might not happen immediately, as I have to fit writing stuff into sporadic and unpredictable downtime.
All of the above. Without reading it, it's rather guess work. As for 'peephole', what about "A Hasp, A Latch, A Glimpse" although again, without reading the story, it's rather a shot in the dark ;)
Too much, despite 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'.

I'd say choose one; eg, 'The Latch' , or 'Latched.'
Good suggestions, everyone! I think it should definitely be shortened and less obscure.

I like "Pandora's Box," but somehow it doesn't quite work with the story. Maybe a riff on it, however. A lot of times when I try to come up with story titles, I riff off of titles I like.

All of your suggestions are food for thought, thanks!
BTW, if you want to PM me with the story pasted into the email body, I'd be happy to give an opinion on the title--and feedback on the rest--if you think that would be helpful. Only thing is, it might not happen immediately, as I have to fit writing stuff into sporadic and unpredictable downtime.

I'm still in the process of editing it, but when I am finished, I'll take you up on it!
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