Help Please! Fantasy map making

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Nov 10, 2017
Can anyone recommend a good way of creating a fantasy map? Any map designing websites you've used which are good?


And I need a fantasy character creating tool too. If anyone knows of one of them....

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I once went and opened Inkarnate.

I was in there 20 years, became a king, married a beautiful princess, met a little fella with a beard and horse legs, lived in a castle, slew a few (bad) dragons, won a massive battle and saved my magical kingdom.

Then I heard a distant sound and it turned out to be my wife telling me to, "stop bloody well faffing about on that laptop and get our new curtain poles put up."
I already have rumblings of war between Caviland and Phox. Caviland has always been a peaceful nation, though they only reluctantly granted Phox independence 380 years ago. The egotistical Prince Recent of Phox has outlawed witchcraft and exiled all magickal practitioners to Witchley, though some have gone instead to the Anarchist Settlement of Wildisle.
I already have rumblings of war between Caviland and Phox. Caviland has always been a peaceful nation, though they only reluctantly granted Phox independence 380 years ago. The egotistical Prince Recent of Phox has outlawed witchcraft and exiled all magickal practitioners to Witchley, though some have gone instead to the Anarchist Settlement of Wildisle.
Thanks for the background, Master Worsey, you can fashion the rest of your tale whence we arrive at Witchley. Until then, we've an ill wind we must stay ahead of, if we're going to make landfall by the 'moro. Weigh anchor, me hearties!
Yep Inkarnate is the one I use. Unfortunately it does require a subscription if you want to access all its features. There is also Wonderdraft which is very similar and only requires you to pay a once off fee. It's also easier to use for making city maps I've found.
Thank you very much, @Nmlee. I'll have a go.
Another resource I've used is this Medieval City Generator. Note you'll need to save your ctiy as an image (or take a screenshot). If you leave the page or refresh it, you'll have to start over.
Yep Inkarnate is the one I use. Unfortunately it does require a subscription if you want to access all its features. There is also Wonderdraft which is very similar and only requires you to pay a once off fee. It's also easier to use for making city maps I've found.
That's today taken care of . . .
Can anyone recommend a good way of creating a fantasy map? Any map designing websites you've used which are good?


And I need a fantasy character creating tool too. If anyone knows of one of them....

DAW lets you submit a map with your manuscript, so I really really wanted to draw a map, but I really really don;t know how to draw a map, esp. one of a civilization inside a volcanic crater, so instead I drew a mandala sort of thing with thumbnails of things in the book interspersed with architectural features. It turned out really cool. My ms was rejected. *sigh*
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