"don’t let the…."

Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
Two days before the legendary actor’s 88th birthday, Clint Eastwood shared a golf cart with C & W singer Toby Keith at Eastwood’s charity tournament in Pebble Beach, California.

“We were playing golf,” Keith recalled, “and he was telling me about how he was getting ready to shoot this movie about an old man that ran drugs for the cartel, tried to help his family, and tried to help his community. And I told him, somebody said you have a birthday coming up Monday. And Clint said, ‘Yeah, on Monday I turn 88.'” Keith then asked him how he would celebrate it, and Eastwood revealed he would be spending his special day shooting his movie called The Mule.

Keith was surprised by Eastwood’s relentless energy. At his age and prominence, Eastwood could easily have retired. He no longer had to make or appear in films anymore. Keith wondered where that sort of energy comes from, what keeps him going.

“He said, ‘I just get up every day and don’t let the old man in,'” Keith continued. “And instantly, I wanted to write a song about that. So, I came home, wrote it, sent it to him, and now it’s in the movie.”

Cline Eastwood
