Decorum (featured on pop-up submissions 11.3.18)

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Jan 21, 2018
Hi all,

I am the writer of 'Decorum' and I wanted to let you know I am indeed on Litopia!

I wanted to thank Peter (and the other commenters) for your kind words about Decorum. I have made notes on the video and hope to improve based on these.

Also, I love the term 'futuristic rococo'! :D

From Emma :)
I saw your book on the pop up submissions video and it looked promising. I just got back from an internet-free holiday and if I had seen your book in the pile of books people were exchanging at the hotel, it would've been my first choice.

Thank you so much! I am currently looking for some advice on the manuscript so if you have any thoughts, please let me know :)
Hi Emma, welcome to the Colony! Once you've been here for a week and have posted 20 times, you can access the writing groups, where you can invite members to critique your work. I'm sure there you'll find all the feedback you need. :)
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