David Fickling Books - Small Submission Window

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Really, they want a different font? Everyone ( that I have checked) expects Times New Roman. Still, easy enough to change the font admittedly, but that was a surprise. Also if you've self published, then you're out. That's not a major surprise either, so good luck to anyone and everyone who gives it a go ;)
Oh... They only accept one book per author... hmmm What to do, send the first of the three complete in the series or send the third which so far is absolutely undoubtedly the best :/ I am now in a pickle.
That is a pickle, cause later work tends to be better, but some expect the first! Um, er, yep, toss a coin?
The third book in particular begins amidst conflict and everything is up in the air. :/ lol at least I have a month to think about it lol
I really want to enter this. Trying to finish the manuscript so I've entered Camp Nanowrimo in the hope the camaraderie feeling motivates me to keep on target.

Word count not enough for a respectable novel.:oops:
Word quality still in first draft level.:confused:
Remember there is a very big fan base for novellas out there if it's shorter complete stories you are writing, then go for novella length. Even if it's a series... Look at Darren Shan for instance. I know he writes young adult where you may not be but he is just one example. There are romance series set around novella length text. I'm sure @Tara Rose will back me up on that note.

So work on quality. There is no reason to pad your work out to make it longer if it's perfection when shorter. I for one usually finish a novella and go looking for the next one and I am one of many hundreds and thousands. What does that tell you ;)
"Novella" doesn't have a standard word count across publishers. Each of them defines the word count for a novella, a novel, etc., usually somewhere on their website. And yes, Karen is right. :) In the romance genre, at least, the stories as stand-alones or as part of a series range from under 10K to 200K or even longer.

So write your story and end it where it makes sense to end it. :)

Unless a publisher states a specific word count range for a submission you're targeting to them, it's usually not a good idea to try to force a story into a word count. I've done that for submissions to anthologies before, and sometimes it works, but other times the story is a disaster. :)
Definitely going to enter this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Tomorrow competition opens. Whilst I have finished first Draft I haven't finished editing and it is no where near ready. Nevermind. Hey-ho on we go.
Oh... They only accept one book per author... hmmm What to do, send the first of the three complete in the series or send the third which so far is absolutely undoubtedly the best :/ I am now in a pickle.
Choose the best; they may take the other 2 when they are bowled over by the 3rd. Good luck. I'll be entering too.
Choose the best; they may take the other 2 when they are bowled over by the 3rd. Good luck. I'll be entering too.
Turns out I didn't quite get book 3 finished yet. I am as close as dammit though. Most of it is thoroughly edited from when I sent it to the word of mouth prize so it's so close to being complete it hurts.

Sorted out the required chapters for books 1 and 2 and 3, anyone want to take a look and tell me which you think is best?
Would love to help but am finding it hard to get to the book I said I'd review so it wouldn't be for weeks. Hope there's someone else less t'sunami'd to help.
I am so excited for you guys...well done for getting it ready in time. Good luck! Go go litopians. :D
Karen - which did you submit in the end. Am reading through your chapters...curious to know which book you ended up submitting.
I am so excited for you guys...well done for getting it ready in time. Good luck! Go go litopians. :D
Karen - which did you submit in the end. Am reading through your chapters...curious to know which book you ended up submitting.
The first one. Common sense dictated, even though I feel the 3rd is by far the best of the ones I've written. Still another 2 in the series till its done and I can start the sequel series. So lots of room to improve upon the current story lines ;) i'dI'd still love to hear your opinion x
Good luck to everyone who submitted. Let us know how it goes. I managed to submit in time after hours of rewriting it all.

Thought it was an opportunity too good to miss. I didn't get to finish my synopsis but luckily they didn't want that. Am doing it now as I am going to submit it to another publisher who viewed me on LinkedIn...might as well eh... ;) They are quite a suitable publisher it seems with the science gaming thing going on. I digress.

Tell us if they request the full MS and we will ding the fanfare bell :D
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