Change of scene within chapter

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Mel L

Full Member
Aug 24, 2021
Question on formatting your MS: how do you indicate a change of time or scene within a chapter? Suggestions I've read range from simply double spacing between paragraphs, to using a symbol like #, * or ***. Searched the Craft Chat on formatting but couldn't find this specific example. Looking for best practice here!
If you leave a space/blank line and publish on KDP, the line is removed. Use the asterisks (or hash symbols) centred with a blank line before and after. At least they're universally understood to mean 'this is a break from what was before'. For physical books, the blank line may suffice.
I have to figure out how to do different colours in google doc. It would be useful for so many things. I agree a double space doesn't work well in the manuscript phase. But I haven't found anything else that is easy in google doc. Stieg Larson's of Girl with a Dragon Tattoo changes POV in the same chapter at a dizzying pace. Usually signalled by a line of asterisks. Maybe I'll experiment with a bold first word in drafts as a reminder to put in the asterisks later.
If you leave a space/blank line and publish on KDP, the line is removed. Use the asterisks (or hash symbols) centred with a blank line before and after. At least they're universally understood to mean 'this is a break from what was before'. For physical books, the blank line may suffice.
Thank you, very helpful @CageSage !
I have to figure out how to do different colours in google doc. It would be useful for so many things. I agree a double space doesn't work well in the manuscript phase. But I haven't found anything else that is easy in google doc. Stieg Larson's of Girl with a Dragon Tattoo changes POV in the same chapter at a dizzying pace. Usually signalled by a line of asterisks. Maybe I'll experiment with a bold first word in drafts as a reminder to put in the asterisks later.
I absolutely hate Google docs. Only use if required for client work. Advantages?
I know I read Stieg Larsen's series but it was right after I had my first baby so I remember nothing, lol. Sleep deprivation at it's finest! I always leave spaces, but I'm not gearing up for self publishing. I had no idea KDP did that.
I recommend the free editor on It is designed for writing books, so it knows about chapters and other features, like inserting scene breaks (!). The onscreen format is quite book-like and there are a couple of pdf export options and a word "backup" export.
I leave a space but I'm interested to see what others say!
Me, too, but readers often misunderstand and comment: 'do you know you've got an extra line space here?'

I put * * * at chapter endings – for me, that seems a touch too strong for a scene change within a chapter.
I often have two scenes in a chapter. I put "*****" between them unless the transition is very easy to follow.

I use breaks like this when different scenes have some sort of relationship I don't want the reader to miss. Sometimes a new chapter can break the flow.

Another shout-out to Reedsy. The editor is simple and easily accommodates breaks within chapters.
It's my understanding that an extra space (no stars) indicates a slight shift in the scene, versus a larger change in time or place, or perhaps in POV, which needs to be more clearly established and signaled to readers. I suspect the rules vary on this, but that's what I've read as most advised more often than not.
Hmm . . . was I clear in my last post? I meant the three stars are used in the more significant changes in time, place, or POV, versus no stars if only a slight change.
Thanks, it's much clearer with the additional comment! Until now, I have not distiguished between slight or major shifts of scenes within chapters, just leaving an extra space between paras for consistency to show there is a shift. But thinking of using asterisks for bigger shifts, especially in light of Cage's comment. Mostly I just want readers to get it!
I often have two scenes in a chapter. I put "*****" between them unless the transition is very easy to follow.

I use breaks like this when different scenes have some sort of relationship I don't want the reader to miss. Sometimes a new chapter can break the flow.

Another shout-out to Reedsy. The editor is simple and easily accommodates breaks within chapters.
That's two votes for Reedsy. I am tempted to check it out but I already invested in Scrivener (although find it overly complex). For now I'm just using Word. Technology is a wonderful time suck.
I believe that: blank line # blank line is the standard for scene breaks in the manuscript.

Then once someone (which could be the author) layout the interior design of the book, they will decide on a format of scene breaks that fits with the rest of the interior layout. It could simply be blank lines or even small symbols (heart or daggers :) ) instead of #. Whatever fits the interior design, which again should fit the mood of the novel.
Reedsy has a lot of free resources and classes. I don’t think they offer software, so they? That’s not their jam. Its worth the look over at their website.
Question on formatting your MS: how do you indicate a change of time or scene within a chapter? Suggestions I've read range from simply double spacing between paragraphs, to using a symbol like #, * or ***. Searched the Craft Chat on formatting but couldn't find this specific example. Looking for best practice here!
I have seen it both ways: just a double space between paragraphs, and *** or similar in publised books from the major publishers.
I have a habit whenever such questions arise (whatever the subject and no matter how goofy) of Googling the question, I always get answers--sometimes pretty far off or far-out--or routes to answers. This one generates a whole bunch of opinions and the need to maybe fish out some concensus, or, just do what feels right to you. Of course, if you go with a traditional publisher, I trust they'll decide the formatting and you'll want to go with that.
I have a habit whenever such questions arise (whatever the subject and no matter how goofy) of Googling the question, I always get answers--sometimes pretty far off or far-out--or routes to answers. This one generates a whole bunch of opinions and the need to maybe fish out some concensus, or, just do what feels right to you. Of course, if you go with a traditional publisher, I trust they'll decide the formatting and you'll want to go with that.
I think that is the ultimate solution. My real problem is how to signify it in my drafts. Mostly how to keep track of the change in may head. I think I will start using the first word bold so that when I go back I can remember to put in asterisks.
Question on formatting your MS: how do you indicate a change of time or scene within a chapter? Suggestions I've read range from simply double spacing between paragraphs, to using a symbol like #, * or ***. Searched the Craft Chat on formatting but couldn't find this specific example. Looking for best practice here!
In a manuscript I'm submitting to someone else for publication, I used the standard # centred on the line. But in my self-published books, I use an appropriate glyph--I either draw my own, purchase one, or use an awesome bug font I bought years ago that has actual insects and spiders for one of the font variations.
In a manuscript I'm submitting to someone else for publication, I used the standard # centred on the line. But in my self-published books, I use an appropriate glyph--I either draw my own, purchase one, or use an awesome bug font I bought years ago that has actual insects and spiders for one of the font variations.
Agree on the #. I've decided to go with this for now as it seems to be the most widely accepted sign for a break in time or place. But I love the idea of creating your own graphics for self-pub! If I end up going this route, will definitely do this. Thanks!
I just read in a Facebook group - slightly different as it was about custom fonts for paragraphs, but I suppose works in light of Robinne’s comment - that an author had problems with these not loading on kindle.
I recommend the free editor on It is designed for writing books, so it knows about chapters and other features, like inserting scene breaks (!). The onscreen format is quite book-like and there are a couple of pdf export options and a word "backup" export.
For those not Scrivener-phobic, Scrivener does all that automatically (if you don't wreck the export settings).
I just read in a Facebook group - slightly different as it was about custom fonts for paragraphs, but I suppose works in light of Robinne’s comment - that an author had problems with these not loading on kindle.
You have to turn them into jpgs first--that's the trick. For a glyph, that works fine. Wouldn't do so well for a paragraph though.
I just use the three asterisks (called a dinkus, oddly enough), of * * * . Problem solved. No unusual formatting to deal with, and very commonly used.
Trouble with glyphs is that they have a default white background. Switch to a different Kindle page color, and they look wrong.

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