Away... doing book research...

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Richard Sutton

Flash Club Supremo
Aug 27, 2014
HIgh above an Island, very near to NYC
Sorry I've been a bit absent lately. I went to New Orleans, took my whole family and promptly caught the flu. I had my flu shot in October, too. Anyway, I'm running at around 80% right now, so I'll be around. I also started writing again, on my long-established Work in Progress I'm calling River Traffic. I just noticed today my last addition was November of 2014, and the one before that was back in the Summer of 2013! I can procrastinate with the best of them. I did put out two titles in the interim, though...
I hope you're close to a 100% by now, Richard. River Traffic...I like the name. Should I assume it involves traveling about on a river?
So, nearly "full steam ahead" then, by riverboat perhaps? ;)
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