August writing goals.

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Oct 19, 2014
Hoping to finish with a proofing, republish two novels, start on the second draft of another and write 15,000 words of a new WIP.

However, I need to temper all of this with the knowledge that I am writing this from my favourite café, in my favourite part of the world whilst being unable to contemplate much other than what I fancy for lunch whilst looking to sate the desires of my newly found inner beach bum persona. Not a needy type, much beyond swimming and lounging about all day doing sweet FA.

Oh, and with even the locals moaning about how hot it is becoming.

Happy days!
I'm not as far forward with my WIP as I anticipated I'd be, which doesn't bother me one iota, as I'm Mr Cool :cool:. I'm in the last 15,000 words, with one gang of villains arrested and two baddies to capture. My protagonist detective will get laid for the first time in eight years, in the next chapter, followed by being stabbed twenty pages later, leaving him in the Intensive Care ward at the end of the story; I like being a Literary God!

As I've done a lot of editing as I've gone along, I anticipate that I'll be done, done, done by the end of August...and suffering from post-book-blues! :(
I am ambitious for August, at least after the first week. It should be cold and foggy outside, most of my friends are leaving town (see previous weather forecast), and the grandkids are back in school. I'm going to finish the first draft of my WIP, book 2 in the new series, and actually try to find a publisher for book 1. Might as well aim high.
I'm hoping to finish off the last 5000 words of my WIP (and hopefully bring it in under 120k). From there it will go into the draw to gestate for a month or two before I come back to begin the slash and burn of the second draft. While I wait, I'm hoping to devote more time to developing my author and write a few articles and short stories :)
Preparing two of my titles for dyslexia-friendly editions, to be published at the beginning of September. Polishing two new short stories, and cranking through more of the main WIP, hoping to finish the first draft of that by the end of September. Also putting the heat on my illustrator to get a new cover for one of my titles.
Oh well. Best laid plans and all that. My anticipations did not come to fruition, proving my theory that if you offer me ideal circumstances in which to write away, I tend to do very little. In fact, I have had to conclude that I need life to be a little difficult before I will seek the escapism that MSU (Making shit up) offers me. Faced with a choice between a beach, larking about and generally chilling out with those I love the most around me, this writing malarky loses much of its thrill. Still, back now in this septic Isle, and have my MSU mojo back with the last part of the month proving productive. All a learning curve!
Well, I didn't get there; instead of finishing, I stggered through four new chapters - fewer than 10,000 words total. This will make setting September goals very easy. On the bright side, I did revise a couple short stories and got one accepted into an anthology.
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