Anyone recognise this?

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Marc Joan

Aug 26, 2014
Personally, I think the claimed proportion of time spent 'actualy [sic] writing' is unreasonably ambitious. From

Haha! The comma placement bit really got me. I am rubbish with punctuation, absolutely rubbish! If it showed a section for time spent procrastinating on the internet I'd say that chart was spot on!

"Why does it take so long to write a book?"
"Because half the time I'm not writing it."
"Why not?"
"Well, you know, cats on YouTube and stuff." :p
Totally wrong on every level I'd say. Also depends what the total time relates to, your awake hours? Time spend on title, well 5 - 10 minutes I'd say, cause I let the title come to me, I don't worry or stress over it. Time spent reading other books, would be the tiniest part for me (slack I know). I never shout at the computer, the dang thing might bite back if I did! Clearly this wasn't written (drawn) by an author, unless it was one really weird one! Ah well, at least it makes you think ;)
Definitely needs a 'time spent on Twitter and/or Facebook' section. Or checking the news. For every little insignificant item....
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