Richard Sutton
Flash Club Supremo
I am gushing over having received my pre-release order of GRR Martin's loooong awaited The World of Ice and Fire. It was produced in collaboration with Elio Garcia and Linda Antonsson, who also operate the Westeros fan site and forums. It is probably the most beautiful hardbound volume I've ever owned. It is in the same league as if Tolkien had lived long enough to assemble his journals, the various tales and the Silmarillion into a single volume filled with artwork and maps and produced as if cost was no object. No self-respecting Westerosi with any desire to mount the steps of The Citadel will want to miss this one. Now the Winds of Winter can hold off for a while. I'll be busy learning the history of the Seven Kingdoms, the interrelations of their noble houses and possibly a key to Dragon Magic, or at least more information about the Doom... my gods, but I'm such a shameless fanboy. It's incredible to think of an author who in his lifetime has created so many legions of readers and helpers to do his marketing for him... and that doesn't even count HBO!