Already feels like home

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Johanna Handley

I've just joined so I wanted to say Hi...
I'm a writer, although I'm probably the only person in the world aware of this absolute fact.
I've written a YA Contemporary Thriller. I was proud of how dark it was, then an editor removed all the darkness and made it nice. It's not published, I don't have an agent... but several have my full manuscript in their hands. I'm waiting, waiting, waiting...
And so glad to have found a place to wait in. Thanks for finding me, Litopia. Looking forward to this experience! Get me in those Houses please?
Welcome to the Nut House. Not everyone is nuts...just the
What are you working on now while you're waiting?
Welcome. But an editor removed the darkness? Sounds suss to me, as it sounds like rewriting it which an editor shouldn't do. Given you don't have a publisher or agent yet, that rings alarm bells to me, unless you are happy with it? Meanwhile I hope you are working on another one? As for nutters around here, I have no comment as I'd hate to implicate myself ;)
Welcome Johanna! You and your hat will fit right in. And we've precious few YA authors right now — they'll be glad for the company!

I agree with Alistair — an editor should improve your prose, not alter your voice. We're all thinking of you, and your wait for response on your full MS! It is no small feat, just getting as far as you have — you should be proud.
BTW, why are you wearing a warm winter hat in Qatar?!
I'm wearing a unicorn hood. Despite the ridiculous heat in this country, the unicorn prevails. (Did someone say Nut House?)

I had an editorial consultancy on my manuscript and the editor gave some excellent advice that I chose to follow- but it remained my decision. It was more of a suggestion to tone down the darkness. Her exact words: 'Your ending turned the novel from a really tight thriller into a horror- it's like that moment at the end of Carrie where the hand comes back up from the grave. It was chilling, but it didn't really work. It gives us a mental image of a sequel that is all slasher-movie and undermines the intelligence of the book...'

Now I'm a massive fan of slasher movies, so those words made me smile. But I appreciate advice from people that know what they're talking about... I'm just a novice writer, what do I know?

Another request for full manuscript came in this morning. Does anyone have any experience on how long it takes agents to get back to you once they've got your full MS? Not that I'm sitting around in a unicorn hood, biting my nails, unable to function at 'real life', or anything.

And talking of Carrie... Has anyone read 'On Writing'? Blew my mind.
Another request for full manuscript came in this morning. Does anyone have any experience on how long it takes agents to get back to you once they've got your full MS? Not that I'm sitting around in a unicorn hood, biting my nails, unable to function at 'real life', or anything.

And talking of Carrie... Has anyone read 'On Writing'? Blew my mind.
Congrats on the request for the full! Every agent is different on how they take to get back to you.

Yes, read On Writing years ago and I still return to it. :)
I'm wearing a unicorn hood. Despite the ridiculous heat in this country, the unicorn prevails. (Did someone say Nut House?)

I had an editorial consultancy on my manuscript and the editor gave some excellent advice that I chose to follow- but it remained my decision. It was more of a suggestion to tone down the darkness. Her exact words: 'Your ending turned the novel from a really tight thriller into a horror- it's like that moment at the end of Carrie where the hand comes back up from the grave. It was chilling, but it didn't really work. It gives us a mental image of a sequel that is all slasher-movie and undermines the intelligence of the book...'
The ability to appreciate and incorporate professional criticism is no common trait — I really commend you for that, and the unicorn hood.

And talking of Carrie... Has anyone read 'On Writing'? Blew my mind.
Yeah, slap that one right on top of Strunk & White's Elements of Style. You will find them in all nightstand drawers, here in Litopia, instead of a Gideon's Bible.
Didn't you say you already had agents looking at your MS? I'd think not too early at all! There will always be more writing books to read. At some point, you just gotta go for it.

I wish I would have said that, but no. Right now, I have query letters out, but no bites on my MS yet. There are a few agents out there that I've done research on and *hope* request partial or full manuscripts, but I'm not holding my breath. As I lamented to @Jason Byrne yesterday, I'm worried that the first book in the trilogy is light on story and might not catch an agents attention, but we'll see. Waiting to get into the houses so I can ask for feedback on query letters and get a few beta readers. Until then, I'm going to bum around out here, having fun with all the other crazies! :p
I wish I would have said that, but no. Right now, I have query letters out, but no bites on my MS yet. There are a few agents out there that I've done research on and *hope* request partial or full manuscripts, but I'm not holding my breath. As I lamented to @Jason Byrne yesterday, I'm worried that the first book in the trilogy is light on story and might not catch an agents attention, but we'll see. Waiting to get into the houses so I can ask for feedback on query letters and get a few beta readers. Until then, I'm going to bum around out here, having fun with all the other crazies! :p
Oh - whoops. Wrong newbie. Sorry. But the second half of my point still stands. :)
I wish I would have said that, but no. Right now, I have query letters out, but no bites on my MS yet. There are a few agents out there that I've done research on and *hope* request partial or full manuscripts, but I'm not holding my breath. As I lamented to @Jason Byrne yesterday, I'm worried that the first book in the trilogy is light on story and might not catch an agents attention, but we'll see. Waiting to get into the houses so I can ask for feedback on query letters and get a few beta readers. Until then, I'm going to bum around out here, having fun with all the other crazies! :p
Oh - whoops. Wrong newbie. Sorry. But the second half of my point still stands. :)
I thought so too Nicole, but I was also thinking of Johanna.

The only way to know for sure is to put it out in the Houses section of Litopia when they reveal themselves to you, and see what kind of feedback you get!
Hey! Welcome to the forums! Awesome news that you've got your full ms in agent's hands. That's fantastic! It seems like almost the dream question, but do you know how you're going to decide if two (or more) agents want to represent you?

Also, I don't know what you guys have done here, but I found myself confused when I reached the end and there was no mention of cake. I feel like I've been conditioned to expect it now!
Hi 1408, I just want one agent to say they're interested, never mind two! I hadn't thought about two to be honest, you're right, it is the dream question, one I don't even want to dream about. If that happens, I'll certainly come here to seek some advice!
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