Michael C
I find myself in a bit of a flap this morning. I'm working on improving/rewriting my WIP but, during a bout of online procrastination I researched agents and found someone who feels like an excellent fit for what I'm writing (or should that be the other way round?).
Anyway, despite the voice of mild panic in my head telling me to submit as they may not be accepting submissions when I've finished the whole thing, the voice of reason says to hold fast and keep working.
What are peoples' thoughts please?
I find myself in a bit of a flap this morning. I'm working on improving/rewriting my WIP but, during a bout of online procrastination I researched agents and found someone who feels like an excellent fit for what I'm writing (or should that be the other way round?).
Anyway, despite the voice of mild panic in my head telling me to submit as they may not be accepting submissions when I've finished the whole thing, the voice of reason says to hold fast and keep working.
What are peoples' thoughts please?