28 Writing Conferences in July 2020

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May 27, 2016
Litopians! Rise up and congregate virtually! Summer writing conferences are on! Some are going ahead with their planned live formats, but in most cases organizers have figured out how to hold them virtually. One advantage to a virtual format is that you don't have to travel to get there, which means you can attend a conference anywhere. The other advantage is that, in many cases, the price to attend has dropped considerably.

28 Writing Conferences in July 2020
I'll add to Erica's list. Not just a writing conference, but the World Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention (29 July - 2 Aug), originally scheduled for Wellington, New Zealand is now virtual. Sadly, we won't be able to host you all here, but we'll still be showcasing writers from Australasia, and you can join us from the comfort of your own laptop! I'll be doing a virtual session on insects (and other arthropods) in fiction. Visit CoNZealand for more info.
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