
  1. Rich.

    How do you feel about (brackets)?

    I recently put up a piece in the Writing Groups that used a lot of a brackets (like the ones around these words here). The reaction was interesting. Some didn't mention them at all, but those that did (half or more) hated them. Nobody said they liked them. Books I've read recently that use them...
  2. wendy maryla

    Greetings from Wendy

    Hello, I've just joined Litopia and am looking forward to meeting fellow-writers. I work in international education, but my true passion is, and always has been, writing. I have been agented before, but seem to be jinxed in that department ... my last literary agent had to close down his...
  3. Gully

    New aspiring author looking for an agent

    I am the author of a new children’s novel based in a magical fantasy world. I’ve even been brave enough to submit my opening for discussion at the pop-up. Here’s hoping 2018 is the year my whole will light up when I see it in print. “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you...
  4. Lawal

    2017 #SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (August-November)

    Scroll to view the gallery - AUGUST - - SEPTEMBER - - OCTOBER - - NOVEMBER - More amazing galleries of excerpts We stay connected on BBM. That will be cool! BBM: 3357BFB8 Smart Quotations Smart Bank Poetry
  5. Lawal

    2017 SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (April-July)

    Scroll to view the gallery - APRIL - - MAY - - JUNE - DAVID NEWRICK won June Flash Club contest, and SmartBankPoetry awaits to see through his writing to extract an excellently exploring excerpt. SmartBankPoetry captures his remarkably ruling runner-up, Katie-Ellen Hazeldine. Here...
  6. Lawal

    2017 SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (April-July)

    Scroll to view the gallery - APRIL - - MAY - - JUNE - DAVID NEWRICK won June Flash Club contest and SmartBankPoetry awaits to see his writing to extract an excellently exploring excerpt. SmartBankPoetry captures his remarkably ruling runner-up, Katie-Ellen Hazeldine. Here: -...
  7. Lawal

    2017 #SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (February-April)

    Scroll to view the gallery - FEBRUARY - - MARCH - - APRIL - More amazing galleries of excerpts We stay connected on BBM. That will be cool! BBM: 3357BFB8 Smart Quotations Smart Bank Poetry
  8. Lawal

    2017 #SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (January-February)

    For a second year, SmartBankPoetry goes beyond the fictions to bring you 2017 #SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club to #LoveWriting, a celebration of this planet of writers and the joy of writers being acknowledged. Here's what we collected. Scroll to view...
  9. A

    Nice to meet you all!

    Hello folks, Nice to join you all on here. I had to think a bit too hard about the verification question so relieved to have got it right! My name is Andrew Carter, I'm a twenty-nine year old writer from Leeds, England. (Well, I say 'writer,' - it's not my job, I actually work in social...
  10. Chase Gamwell

    Kepler discovers object orbiting distant star...send Sci Fi geeks into a frenzy :D

    The speculation is strong with this story, but I like the idea that we may have just stumbled across something that could potentially change the course of human development. Scientists are looking into an object orbiting a surrounding star that may be artificial in nature. Its worth taking a...