
  1. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat Tiffany Yates Martin on editors, writers and feedback

  2. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Writing is like riding a bike. Once you....

    “Writing is like riding a bike. Once you gain momentum, the hills are easier. Editing, however, requires a motor and some horsepower.” Gina McKnight
  3. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Editing. It's like....

    “Editing. It’s like dieting; except a lot more violent.” Leya Delray
  4. Sedayne

    News New Tiffany Yates Martin book out today.

    https://foxprinteditorial.com/my-books/ FYI: new Tiffany Yates Martin book out today. I know a lot of us have found her previous book Intuitive Editing invaluable. This looks like another essential addition to the writer's bookshelf.
  5. Still Waters

    Help Please! I have a BIG PROBLEM fixing my creative writing

    Yesterday I dug up the first short story I ever wrote, back in 2011. I loved it at the time. It is a hybrid between real experiences from my life, and some necessary fiction to move the scenes along. I'm not sure if it constitutes creative non-fiction, but something of that nature. I wrote it in...
  6. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Editing might....

    “Editing might be a bloody trade, but knives aren’t the exclusive property of butchers. Surgeons use them too.” Blake Morrison
  7. JamieRae

    Help Please! Pulling back focus to core narrative when expanding a flash piece to a short story!

    Hello! Some of you were lovely enough to critique a 700 word flash piece I did recently. Along with the incredible feedback from yourselves and others, and a desire to expand it to a 2-3k short story, I am struggling with keeping the essence of the story in while trying to expand it out. I've...
  8. David Newrick

    If a publisher told you to remove certain thoughts, phrases and expressions that may cause offence would you, or be damned?

    Antony Horowitz is a prolific author and writer for the large and small screen. He has been told to edit his latest manuscript to remove certain thoughts, phrases and expressions that may cause offence. He said - “What is happening to writers is extremely dangerous,” he continued, “where...
  9. Nikky Lee

    Grammar hacks

    I have 5 grammar hacks that I use quite regularly when I write and edit - especially the 'by zombies' trick with passive voice and switching in pronouns in instances of who/whom. What grammar hacks do you find yourself using all the time? (I might add them to my list too!).
  10. Erica Verrillo

    How to Edit Your Own Manuscript - My tried-and-true technique

    You've written the last line of your book, and you have that expansive euphoria that comes with a job well done. An almost uncontrollable urge to share your accomplishment with the world washes over you. You want to show your new book to your friends, agents, publishers - or, God forbid...
  11. Jay Aitch

    Recommended UK Editors?

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any experience of, or recommendations for, any professional UK editors, or editorial agencies? Additionally, what are peoples' thoughts on the manuscript assessment that many such websites offer? Ta
  12. Island Writer

    Fanfare! Why you need an editor: Launch of Final Polish Editorial Services

    Fellow Litopians, lend me your ears... I have set up Final Polish Editorial Services to help authors cross the finish line, to ensure all your hard work is given the best possible chance of success, because we all become word blind to our work. I'm a long-standing member of Litopia (back to...
  13. Carol Rose

    Craft Chat Editing Tips For Your Manuscript

    This isn't a plug for writing software, but I thought some of you might find it useful because it lists many things we can do by hand when we edit our own work. :) Request Rejected
  14. Jay Aitch

    ProWritingAid opinions

    I've purchased the premium version of ProWritingAid, for use with editing my work, and found the desktop version (on a Mac) is extremely slow. Has anyone else had similar experience, or views on the software in general?
  15. F

    New - how do I know if it's any good?

    After five years of on and off writing, and re-drafting, with the creative excitement of plot twists and suspense, then a year of editing down 'til it bleeds, I'm left with no objectivity. Is it still a unique beautiful, tragic, story, or is it nothing? How do you gauge what you're left with...
  16. Jay Aitch

    Doubts, like louts, are all about.

    When working at editing and reworking your writing, does anyone else become overwhelmed with doubts that it is all tripe, balderdash and piffle, unreadable fluff?