Lex Black
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  • If James Bond were a vampire, could his enemies tie him up in a tanning bed as a death trap?
    Peyton Stafford
    Peyton Stafford
    It's British, like surprize and surprise, or zipper and sipper.
    Lazer might be Swissglish (AKA my weird and wonderful Swiss ways of using English). Either way, lets shoot a bright garlic beam with the power of a laz(s)er at the vampire. The vamp could be chopped up into little bite sized pieces with the garlic lazer, then sun dried under the tanning bed before being served in a church with a spring of parsley on top. The vamp will have the parsley, not the church.
    Lex Black
    Lex Black
    Everything about that post is...ahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Ok, I'll hold off destroying humanity for another day. Thanks for that. :D
    Up next: my livestream unboxing of the Ark of the Covenant.
    So, I got another generictellauthortopissoff.doc email. I at first assumed it was from my last round of submission a couple of months ago, but...no. I had to go back through multiple notebooks to find who this was. It turned out to be from someone whose "if you don't hear from us in this time frame, assume you're not worth replying to" period expired a YEAR ago.

    E G Logan
    E G Logan
    Either A. that's got to be some kind of achievement, or
    B. you wouldn't want an agent who's as disorganised as that.
    Both surely positive.
    James Charles
    James Charles
    That sucks. :confused: Know what yer feeling with this. I had an agent recommend I read Strunk and White.
    I just finished a round of submissions. Because clearly I hate myself.
    James Charles
    James Charles
    Don't hate. :(
    E G Logan
    E G Logan
    "Because clearly I hate myself."

    No, you hate submissions. Entirely normal.

    Buy cushion. Draw face on it. Punch repeatedly.
    Lex Black
    Lex Black
    Oh, no. The time will come for revenge. I will make my fortune. I will buy a massive private island to hunt those who have wronged me for sport. And I have a list of names.

    Until then...red line, and I'm givin' it more.
    Against my better judgement, I participated in Twitter's recent #SFFPit event. Three agents showed interest in my pitches.

    Of those, one did not even represent my genre(s).

    Of the two I submitted to, one took just over twelve hours to send a generic rejection letter.

    I'm not getting my hopes up about the last one.
    Inspired by "Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness", I decided to travel to alternate universes to meet other versions of myself.

    ...turns out I'm a real jerk in a very high percentage of realities. It makes you think.
    *THANKFULLY*, you are frankly delightful in this reality, and we love the fact that the you that's you is here, rather than one of the jerkier versions ;)
    I've just this moment returned from a reality where you're a cat. But I have to inform you that in that particular reality you're Lex, the tabby cat, not Lex, the black cat. And that you hate tuna.
    Lex Black
    Lex Black
    I'm bored pretending to be a responsible adult today. It's time to WRITE!

    *Mashes big red button*

    *Klaxons sound*

    *Blast doors close*

    *Wards activate*

    *Picks up nuclear-powered laser chainsaw/Sharpie pen combo*

    All right, WIP, let's go.

    *Manga-esque battle freeze frame*
    In spite of everything, I made two submissions today. I don't know about myself sometimes.
    • Bravo
    Reactions: RK Wallis
    Lex Black
    Lex Black
    ...aaaaaaaand there's a rejection from one of them. That approached me for a submission in the first place. Why do I do this to myself?
    Lex Black
    Lex Black
    And now the NEXT day, I get the Query Manager forms for that agent. Their rejection came BEFORE the automated response to my submission.

    Is...is rejection me built into software the industry uses? That would explain a lot...
    E G Logan
    E G Logan
    Test it: send the next one, with a new title, under a pseudonym. How about Susan Smith from Kansas?
    I just saw that Pitchwars and #PitMad are ending. Joke's on them, every agent on the planet has already rejected me.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Vagabond Heart
    Rachel Caldecott
    Rachel Caldecott
    Oh, that's not fair, I'm only just getting the hang of doing them. Mind you I haven't even followed up with any of the publishers who expressed interest in my work. Mainly because they were too small and I'd never heard of them (I'm very wary of all the scammers out there).
    Hannah F
    Hannah F
    I've read agents say there are just too many to read now. You'll have a better chance (minuscule as that might be) applying to them directly. I also didn't reply to the small, not-heard-of-them, actually not suitable likes I picked up.
    Wow. My third rejection in one day. This one from an agent I submitted to *yesterday*.
    Pamela Jo
    Pamela Jo
    You're submitting humour? I'm kind of getting the powers that be don't think humour is the next big thing. The state of the world I beg to differ.
    Lex Black
    Lex Black
    No, I write primarily horror. Though the industry does seem to think it's pretty funny.
    In my quest to get published, I have not been playing to my best strengths. I'll do that now.

    Attention, publishing industry! In return for a ten-book contract I will not descend from a dark sky and eat everyone you love.

    Best offers by the end of this afternoon, please.
    Just submitted another audition on ACX. I'm actively looking for recording work, so if you know anyone looking for a narrator please send them my way!
    Fabulous! You're a great narrator, Lex :)
    Ancora Imparo
    Ancora Imparo
    Good luck, Lex! You have a perfect voice for narration. I take it you've checked out VoiceBunny and the Amazon-affiliated one... Brilliance, I think? If I hear of anyone actively looking, I'll happily point them in your direction.
    Lex Black
    Lex Black
    @Ancora Imparo , I'd not heard of either of those. I'm just starting out, as it were. I thought ACX was the "Amazon-affiliated one." I'll certainly look into it. I'm not picky: if someone will give me money for making noises at a mic, I don't care what collection of 1s and 0s makes it happen.
    Just finished the day's session of the extremely arduous process of researching an agent and sending a query letter. Find myself reflecting on the interview where G. R. R. Martin asked Steven King, "Do you ever hate your writing and think it's worthless?" I wonder what the correlation is.
    I just wanna say, I'm still very flattered and humbled by the incredible positive response my Pop-Up readings get. You are all very kind.

    OK, enough from me. Carry on.
    Wow. Five days after making a submission, I get a form rejection: "This just isn't right for me. Signed (Person not even listed on agency website) on behalf of (person you actually submitted to)." The Literary Illuminati aren't even pretending to have interest in my work anymore.
    I just got the first soulless slap in the face (AKA "a form rejection letter") from my most recent round of submissions. So much for no news being good news.
    Of my latest round of submissions (starting on May 22nd) not one has yet replied to me, with a form rejection or otherwise. This highly deviates from the previous patterns of 80%+ of submissions being rejected by form in under ten days. I...do not know what to think about this.
    The only thing in my browser history is a search for "How to dispose of people snooping in my browser history."
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    I find it hilarious- if I happen to go to a site about ballerinas, for example, the next minute I get inundated with tutus, ballerina shoes and what have you, now do I need to ask why?
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