Andrew Okey
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  • #100daysofwriting Day 43, or thereabouts. I have just written my obligatory once-per-novel sex scene. Haunted by the ghost of The Bad Sex Awards, I kept my language suitably tangential, the nearest to anything directly descriptive being the word "bestride" :-)
    So, my WIP is about magical thinking and is set in ...Venice, during the plague. And my protagonist is painting a picture that features a large pile of bodies in the foreground, but fears he will summon up exactly that reality via his art. And now the bit of my rationalist brain that is still superstitious (and makes me wear my lucky scarf at the football) just wants me to stop writing... :-(
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    No, this was last year sometime. Yes I also remember the recent one on Michelangelo.
    Andrew Okey
    Andrew Okey
    Well, I checked the running order each and every week and caught up with nearly every pop up (except when I was offline) but never saw it. It WAS the subject of some discussion here re. which version of Tintoretto's name to use...
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    Ah yes. That too I remember, now that you have mentioned it.
    I hit one of those BIG set-pieces this morning - y'know, the scene you're really looking forward to writing. Whoosh! 1000 words in 90 minutes. So I pack my shinpads and head off to play footy and it's only when I step onto the pitch that I realise that I let my protagonist spends that 1000 words in the company of a "wife" he won't actually meet for another two years in the narrative. Gah!
    100 days of writing, day 3/100. Besieged by migraine and man-flu, I only edited today. Specifically, I waged war on the two plot threads in my WIP that are superfluous if not actually confusing. Hack! Cut! Slice! Somehow at the end of this process my total word count has gone up slightly, a loaves-and-fishes miracle that I find absurdly pleasing. :-)
    Truly, the only thing worse than failure is the faint prospect of success.

    I've been invited to pitch the WIP to DHH Literary tomorrow, at their pitching event in Liverpool. It's still more than 24 hours before I even get on the train down there and already I cannot eat, sleep (I've been awake since 4am), sit still or think clearly...
    Ah, the bizarre world of the aspiring historical novelist. My last three web searches have been "Elizabethan bawdy song lyrics", "period pain symptoms" and "Are all angels male?"
    'Celia the wanton and fair,' was s sexy song featured in Green Darkness by Anya Seton. Of the 4 most famous archangels, Uriel,Gabriel, Michael and Raphael, Gabriel was possibly 'female'.
    Andrew Okey
    Andrew Okey
    Thanks Katie-Ellen, will check that out. For now I've decided to go with a "landscape imagery / coy yet bleedin' obvious" vibe. Something like...
    Andrew Okey
    Andrew Okey
    A Ferraran girl
    All shy and blushing
    Showed me her ankle.
    Her land is gorgeous, lush and fertile
    And I had rather seen
    The hills and the vale, the hills and the vale!

    A Milanese girl
    Sweetly condescending
    Showed me her nape.
    Her land is fulsome, rich with sugars
    And I had rather seen

    The hills and the vale, the hills and the vale!
    Just got my current WIP long-listed for this year's Adventures in Fiction New Voices award. This time last year my completed novel got short-listed, so I guess the staffers there must like my writing style...
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