Listening to a Litopia podcast earlier today, about a novel, Memoirs of Hadrian by Margeurite Yourcenar, I wasn't sure if I wanted to read it, though I watched and read I, Claudius, and in general, it's my kind of thing.
Mention was made of John Boorman and a movie of the novel, and Excalibur was something special so I started Googling the Hadrian movie.
But it seems it didn't actually ever happen. Here's a scriptwriter's inside experience:
Housesteads camp on Hadrian's Wall is a place of utter magic. Even if the Romans stationed there thought, perfectly understandably, it was a effing dump as they shivered in their cloaks and trews in the fog and rain.
Mention was made of John Boorman and a movie of the novel, and Excalibur was something special so I started Googling the Hadrian movie.
But it seems it didn't actually ever happen. Here's a scriptwriter's inside experience:
Housesteads camp on Hadrian's Wall is a place of utter magic. Even if the Romans stationed there thought, perfectly understandably, it was a effing dump as they shivered in their cloaks and trews in the fog and rain.