News Writing Killer Blurbs - Out Now

What is Superversive Fiction?

From the Golden Age


Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I’m delighted to announce that our seminar WRITING KILLER BLURBShas been recut, condensed and augmented with downloadables and a useful self-administered quiz. All our new seminars will be issued in this format going forward, and all our existing seminars are being converted to it.

As with all our seminars, WRITING KILLER BLURBS is free to Full Members. If you’re not yet a Full Member – upgrade now!​

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If you’re like most authors, you hate writing blurbs.

Days – even weeks – of intense brain work… only to produce a pitifully small number of words. It doesn’t feel like a great return on your investment of time and effort, does it?

But consider.

A good blurb will actively sell your book.

And a poor one will kill its prospects.

Stone dead.

So those few dozen words you're laboring over may actually be the most consequential you’ll ever write.

In less than ninety minutes WRITING KILLER BLURBS – the latest seminar from Litopia – will inform you, inspire you, and – perhaps for the first time ever – actually explain to you what a blurb is supposed to do. You'll learn everything you need to construct powerfully effective blurbs for today’s readers.

What is Superversive Fiction?

From the Golden Age
