Writer's Beware - blog

LJ Beck

Full Member
Aug 20, 2022
New Zealand
I just came across this blog... Writer Beware

It's sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association. But the issues are not limited to SFF, or the US where SFWA is based.

"For more than twenty years, the mission of Writer Beware has been to track, expose, and raise awareness of questionable, illicit, and/or nonstandard practices in and around the publishing industry."

Loads of info here on what and whom to be weary of.
I just came across this blog... Writer Beware

It's sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association. But the issues are not limited to SFF, or the US where SFWA is based.

"For more than twenty years, the mission of Writer Beware has been to track, expose, and raise awareness of questionable, illicit, and/or nonstandard practices in and around the publishing industry."

Loads of info here on what and whom to be weary of.
I just heard about this site -- Writer Beware Blog -- from Jane Friedman. Apparently it is her go-to any time she has a doubt about a potential scam. Sounds like a very reliable source!
I regularly follow this. It's a very good source of industry information. Always worth a look through if you're about to sign a contract. They also keep a list of scam and vanity publishers that operate in bad faith.
I can't remember if I'm a member. If I am I'm only an associate member. I don't really go to the site that often, despite having a lot of good content. Too much content everywhere, too little time ever....
I remember I checked once -but the entry requirements were beyond me. I'd like to see a worldwide union of all creatives-writers, painters, filmmakers etc. Fees would be what you could afford to pay. And then that giant union would oppose the AI infodump, fatbergs.
I did just encounter an unexpected beware in Ireland.

Date with an Agent is Back for 2024! - Writing.ie. My husband sent the entry in then mentioned how much it was. I was gobsmacked. 30 each -just for THE CHANCE to talk to some not really famous agents. And that's not all. You have to sign up for the "International" conference where this is to be held. At the discount price of 40.00. If you happen to be chosen you'll have to buy a ticket anyway so- get it now at the discount price. I didnt even check to see what the undiscounted price. If chosen I will pass. No point in throwing good money after bad. But I very much doubt I would be chosen.
I did just encounter an unexpected beware in Ireland.

Date with an Agent is Back for 2024! - Writing.ie. My husband sent the entry in then mentioned how much it was. I was gobsmacked. 30 each -just for THE CHANCE to talk to some not really famous agents. And that's not all. You have to sign up for the "International" conference where this is to be held. At the discount price of 40.00. If you happen to be chosen you'll have to buy a ticket anyway so- get it now at the discount price. I didnt even check to see what the undiscounted price. If chosen I will pass. No point in throwing good money after bad. But I very much doubt I would be chosen.
Yeah, that's unfortunately common practice for conference agent 1-to-1s. Price is in the common range too.
Ive been to The International Dublin Writers' Festival for several years and talked to agents, producers, networked with other writers, learned from excellent lectures all without being ripped off. Not all Irish organisers are out to rip off aspiring writers.
Wasn't talking Ireland per se but internationally. Networking is different. Booking one-to-ones is mostly pricey. There are undoubtedly some exceptions.