Worst Book Covers Ever

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Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them? Hope he used the right lubricant—a seized big end is eye-watering!

These covers are cringe worthy is retrospect, but I wonder if they contributed to the success of the book at the time. When I was epublishing a couple of years ago, scouting around for ideas about book cover design, I found one writer who'd been derided for the lurid colours and kitschy artwork she used. Taking the criticism to heart, she paid out for tasteful illustrations from a professional artist—her sales crashed, so she returned to the style she used before and they crept back up—some people like stuff because it is rubbish!
Hahahhaa Robinne our brain waves have to be on the same frequency- I was thinking of starting this kind of thread myself!

I have plenty of goodies from this category:

Najbrzydsze dzieci grafików książkowych - Kawerna - fantastyka, książki fantastyczne, fantasy.
Najbrzydsze dzieci grafików książkowych (cz. 2) - Kawerna - fantastyka, książki fantastyczne, fantasy.
Najbrzydsze dzieci grafików książkowych (cz. 3) - Kawerna - fantastyka, książki fantastyczne, fantasy.

The website is Polish, but you can appreciate the fine work of illustrators/designers despite the language barrier ;)
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