Where is everyone?

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I changed roles in my day job last Monday and don't have the same freedoms to sneak online or write during the day when there's down time. Consequently, I need to write early in the morning before I leave for work, on my lunch break, and when I get home in the evenings, or I will never keep up with my word count goals. I'm not on social media as much as I was before, either. It's not only Litopia. :)
Guilty here. I am going through some nasty crap, mostly personal/family wise and it sort of sucks my energy away, making me less active here (and in general). But I do check Litopia every day :) Soon I'll be back fine and dandy, just wait ;)
And I suppose I'm guilty as well. If only we could just write without having to earn a pesky living at the same time. Life - can't live with it, can't live without it. o_O
I've been feeling the same. I think it's mostly that @Jason Byrne has a new job, so he isn't here 24/7 posting memes...which I know were often off-topic, but it made the place seem lively.
I was thinking the same thing the other day. It seems as though we need our quirky motivators. What about bringing Derek more out into the open?
April has been insane for me. I still work in O&G, so between shifting markets (and a huge deal falling through at work) and all of the writing I've managed to pull off in the last month (50K words!), I haven't really been around. I miss the site and can't wait to get back. I should be after another week or so when my current WIP is finally finished.
Busy reworking, then changing, then changing back -and thinking 'no that's a mess' . An idea, brilliant wow, so good, not sure ... Doesn't work, garbage. Why do I bother? Look at it, God, I can't even spell..... Now, yes, that's it, just need to change that first work mmmm, second and third words perfect....no, need to change, must change ... That's it! Yes!!!! At last finished, first sentence finished!
Busy reworking, then changing, then changing back -and thinking 'no that's a mess' . An idea, brilliant wow, so good, not sure ... Doesn't work, garbage. Why do I bother? Look at it, God, I can't even spell..... Now, yes, that's it, just need to change that first work mmmm, second and third words perfect....no, need to change, must change ... That's it! Yes!!!! At last finished, first sentence finished!
Story of my life. Thank you.
Back to school always hits me like a train, and I also do examining of external exams, which is just kicking off. I tend to log on only at weekends. And now...;)
It's a difficult one - I've had a 2 day a week 'real' job (as opposed to being a writer) this year. It's as a Royal Literary Fund Fellow(sounds posher than it is - it's basically helping students at a university with their writing skills) - and I've found it has really eaten away at my 'round the edges time' when I tend to visit Litopia etc. Good news, though (for me, if for no one else) is that I've 4 months off from mid-May, so will be around more.
I still lurk. Also, I occasionally switch around the position of your pens when you aren't looking.
I've been around recently and enjoyed the company, but next week, I depart to drive across the US and then spend three or four months in a cabin with no wifi. Plus, I have to walk up to the road to get cell phone reception. I'll see you all in September -
Quiet? You have to be kidding right? I haven't been able to keep up, although my time online is very limited at the moment. ;)
I was off Litopia for a few weeks as well. With the flooding here a few weeks ago, my job got really crazy as it's my job to keep the company running during disruptive events. Then hubby and I had a writing conference and then we moved to a new apartment. Things are **finally** settling down.
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