News Where Does Inspiration Come From? A Guide For Writers

Blog Post: How the Koreans are bossing a trope

Blog Post: Writing Distractions. Oh my!


Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I’ve always been fascinated by the subject of authors’ inspiration. It’s actually one of the most common questions that readers ask their favourite writer – “but how do you get your ideas…?

And probably one of the most difficult for writers to answer.

In this week’s Huddle, I’d like us to compare notes.

The surrealist Salvador Dali would carefully arrange his sleeping habits to keep him partly awake and partly asleep. This half-dream state (hypnagogia, otherwise known as phantasmata) spawned many of his most iconic images.

What do you do?

So come prepared to discuss this fascinating subject on Saturday.

And of course, Huddles are there for all Full Members to use in any way you wish. If you haven’t yet upgraded, it’s a good reason to!

My best,


Blog Post: How the Koreans are bossing a trope

Blog Post: Writing Distractions. Oh my!
