I'm wondering / hoping, you have sent your work to more than one agent? Even Stephen King had 27 rejections, and tossed away his first novel, which I believe his wife saved. Considering you may well get 100 rejections before it gets picked up, it would take a lifetime to find an agent. Meanwhile there are all the other novels to be written. I've probably hit the 100 mark, over three novels so far, although I've had three or four positive replies and one offer to publish. I declined that based on no payment for over 18 months!
So in my opinion anyone should send out several synopsis (s) at a time to be realistic, and don't be too honest. When they ask you to tell them if you have sent it to anyone else, DON'T. They will then not read yours and you've wasted time and lost an opportunity.
As for me, I've just moved to the UK, and started my seventh novel in a series set in 16th century Britain, and like several here, this is fantasy, centred in Wales, with a touch of Arthurian legion aka Merlin, dragons and Celtic stories. At the moment I am pushing my novel 'Merlin and Ceridwen'. A lot of time goes into proof reading and editing, but it would be great to find people who could give it series criticism.