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What Colour are Your Emotions?

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Eva Ulian

Full Member
Nov 16, 2018
Venice - Italy
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How Do You Colour Your Emotions?

Without emotion I don’t think a novel will go far. Yet emotion is not a thing we can see but something intangible we perceive- and often with colour- e.g.

Monday blues

Looking at life through rose-coloured glasses

Purple rage

Red with anger

My love is like a red, red rose (R. Burns)

The green-eyed monster of jealousy (Merchant of Venice)

Green with envy

A black mood.

And if someone said he had a grey mind, I would think he was dull, wouldn’t you?

How you dress also gives out signals to others. An aspiring business woman should never wear pink at an interview.

When you are planning your website or blog, do not undermine the importance of the colour of your template, and of course, the same applies to book covers.

I’ve put a link to a blog post that might guide you into a decision rather than leaving your choice to chance.


After reading it, the question asked is, what colour are you? I’d love to know.
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People give out colours. The colours are of the moment. They suddenly flare then fade away. Do we have a 'core' colour? I don't know. Can we see our own colours? I don't know. I've now and then seen colours, auras, coming out of other people. Others here have seen such things too. But I've never seen my own.
I like your thoughts on this Kate. I love all, and I mean all colours, in turn, but there are some that are more recurring in my style of life- I have little on the pale sides dominated by whites- I have a lot of purple and blue around me. If you look to see what colours you like to surround yourself with mostly- that's your personality colour/s. I noticed when on Pop-up panel you wear a lot of blueish colours, or at least that's what's registered in my mind.
Blue is very easy and wearable for sure. I like eau de nil shades of blue-green, and I quite like turquoise but rarely wear it. Dark greens and dark reds are favourites, or black with a pop of colour. At the moment, I'm 'feeling' a mood of craving coral -red colours with amber or gold. Seasonal mood, I expect.
Blue is very easy and wearable for sure. I like eau de nil shades of blue-green, and I quite like turquoise but rarely wear it. Dark greens and dark reds are favourites, or black with a pop of colour. At the moment, I'm 'feeling' a mood of craving coral -red colours with amber or gold. Seasonal mood, I expect.
If one had the time to analyze the significance behind all these hues one would find your personality a patchwork of complexity.
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Ah Eva! This is close to my heart; I did my thesis on colour. I find colour a little more complex, but I reckon I have Synesthesia, so I am very particular about the colours ascribed to things (Saturday is a brown/orange, Monday is blue, Tuesday is a bright green for example! August is purple-magenta, May is yellow-green, February is dark blue).

Sound also has colour (and feeling): When I paint I listen to music that is the right colour for where I am going (if that makes any sense). Sometimes I will listen to random stuff when I have no idea where I am going; interesting to see the colours that emerge.

But, for me, people aren't a specific colour, as that changes all the time.
People give out colours. The colours are of the moment. They suddenly flare then fade away.
Exactly this! ^^ When I see people, irrelevant of what they are wearing, they have a colour around them, like a coloured light. This changes and some people's colour just doesn't work for me at all, especially people with lime-y green-yellow colour (the word "moist" is also this colour and it feels deeply unpleasant, like a person you dislike lightly scraping your skin. Makes me shudder).

Your colour and the strength of the colour-light around you is also indicative of your health. People who are not long for this world have a light that is very diminished and the colour is mucky.

I like wearing black (probably laziness), but love seeing colour on other people. My particular favourite colours would be a deep, bright orange and a turquoise blue-green.

Great blogpost btw :)
And from the perspective of a person with blue-green colourblindess, I will say this: Colour is magic.
Oh, and I'm tone-deaf, so sound and music are also magic.
How other people understand these magics intrigues me, helps me learn more about it because I can't take it for granted.
Any time I feel like I'm taking something for granted, I wonder if there's one other person who thinks/feels that this little thing is magic to them?
2019 has been rather grey for me, so far, thanks to being bogged down with blogging and website designing and a storm cloud of computer issues. It makes me think of a part-lyric from the late great Ian Dury, who in his best known song Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll commented "Grey is such a pity."

Things are about to become orange for me, as I'm beginning my sixth Cornish Detective novel today! :D
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Interesting stuff. Colour is amazing.

Isn't black the sum of all colour? I think you can make 'black' if you mix red, blue and yellow. @Rainbird?

People's auras are fascinating. But that grey colour which Rainbird sees is scary. I've seen it a few times on people who are seriously ill or very depressed, and it's sad.

I think I can see my own aura sometimes. Ever since I remember, I've seen a turquoise-blue glow in my left eye every now and then. Maybe it's because I'm pretty much blind on that eye. I have extreme myopia on the left which means my "best-yet-still-rubbish" focal point is about one centimetre in front of my eyeball so there is generally weird things going on on that side, and these glows seem normal. A few years ago I had an aura photography and whatdda ya know, I'm surrounded by that very turquoise blue colour. Jolly nice. Still, I seem to be drawn to black. I like black. I'm fascinated by its depth, its variations, its shadows. I wear black to the point that I've been asked if I'm a goth, and on two occasions, I've had this comment: 'Wearing black makes you look like Morticia Adams.' Thanks for that. Rule of three means I'll believe it if I hear it one more time.

Oh, and, does anyone else think that 'clear' is also a colour? A bit like a forth dimension colour? The colour of space?

And does anyone associate memories with colour? Do you see colour when you think back to your childhood or a specific event?
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(Saturday is a brown/orange, Monday is blue, Tuesday is a bright green for example! August is purple-magenta, May is yellow-green, February is dark blue).
That's an interesting way to see things! I see things more in a spacial sense. My week is a full circle with me in the centre of it. I turn (mentally, of course) clockwise to see each day, whereas I turn counterclockwise to see the months of the year. The circle the months create is so large, that I must move in closer to see each month, yet the days are in close enough for me to simply turn in place. But forget time in general. I mess up dates and times for appointments so often, if I don't add them to my diary right away, I might either show up a day earlier or be an hour late!

As to the colour issue...(Yes, I tend to go off on tangents. You should see my first drafts sometime:confused:) I can't colour coordinate to save my life. My favourite outfits were bought by my daughters, and I am glad the walls were already painted a basic cream when we moved into our place because if I have to choose the paint for another wall only to find it looks horrible, I will go mad! o_O And I have absolutely NO ability to see auras, but I find it fascinating that others can.

My favourite colours fall on the cool lines--deep purples, cobalt blue, deep reds, dark greens. Pastels are nice enough, but they make me uncomfortable for some reason. However, I don't really attach colours to particular feelings. I'd have to sit down and really think of how I see emotions. I wonder if I see them spacially, as well, or in another way. I've never really thought about it.

Very interesting concept!
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Now I'll be worried when we meet!
Hee hee, no need, I'd sense it a mile away. Besides if you were that colour, you would be looking to live in my garden in your camper van with your hapless husband and many children ((true story)).
Interesting @Rainbird to do a thesis on colour- what was your degree in?
That degree was in Fine Art (Painting) :)
Isn't black the sum of all colour?
It is considered that, yes.
I like black. I'm fascinated by its depth, its variations, its shadows. I wear black to the point that I've been asked if I'm a goth
OH ME TOO!! I love black. I love pooled black velvet, I could sink into it. We'll be the Litopia Goths at the dinner, lol :D
Oh, and, does anyone else think that 'clear' is also a colour? A bit like a forth dimension colour? The colour of space?
And does anyone associate memories with colour? Do you see colour when you think back to your childhood or a specific event?
YES!!! Clear is like a bubble that holds all colours but none.
And also yes to the memories: like tinged photos!
I see things more in a spacial sense.
THAT is fascinating. Would you be mathematical by nature? I'm more blurred lines and abstract I think!!
THAT is fascinating. Would you be mathematical by nature? I'm more blurred lines and abstract I think!!
I'm VERY FAR from mathematical! Numbers are my kryptonite for sure! But I can read a map and see it in my head while we're driving, and I can remember directions decently well. I'm also really good at giving directions and drawing a map to give to people if they're lost.
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How interesting, @Rainbird, synaesthesia.... I was thinking of writing a novel involving a character with a rare form of synaesthesia. If I get back to that idea, I'll be in touch..!

As it happens, I'm actually writing something involving a character with dissociative identity disorder, coincidentally mentioned in another Litopia thread...

The human mind is an extraordinary, fascinating thing.
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