How Do You Colour Your Emotions?
Without emotion I don’t think a novel will go far. Yet emotion is not a thing we can see but something intangible we perceive- and often with colour- e.g.
Monday blues
Looking at life through rose-coloured glasses
Purple rage
Red with anger
My love is like a red, red rose (R. Burns)
The green-eyed monster of jealousy (Merchant of Venice)
Green with envy
A black mood.
And if someone said he had a grey mind, I would think he was dull, wouldn’t you?
How you dress also gives out signals to others. An aspiring business woman should never wear pink at an interview.
When you are planning your website or blog, do not undermine the importance of the colour of your template, and of course, the same applies to book covers.
I’ve put a link to a blog post that might guide you into a decision rather than leaving your choice to chance.
After reading it, the question asked is, what colour are you? I’d love to know.
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