Urgent information for KU authors

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K.J. Simmill

Hi all,

I know I haven't been around these last few weeks and there is a very valid reason. I was recently the victim of fraud, but considering its nature I wanted to share my post about it here. Given events I believe someone specifically targeted me as an author on KU and almost got me removed from Amazon. If not for my bank's intervention then I doubt I would still be a Kindle author.

In my post I detail the events, including some previous attempts, which may or may not be related to what happened. I wanted to share it as given what happened and how it happened I feel this needs to reach as many people as possible.

Authors beware: A new danger for KU authors

I am actually very lucky, despite all the upset, that both Amazon and my bank noticed what was happening. My bank have been brilliant and with their involvement and that of the UK fraud teams Amazon have sided with me, and reinstated my account so my book is once more for sale on Kindle.
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What a mess. Glad you got it straightened out. I've also been the victim of ID theft and still don't know how they got the information, but given the number of database breaches, it's not surprising they did.

That was a lot of trouble for someone to go through for 100 Pounds - I'll bet you are far from the only target. Thank you for sharing. Your experience is a warning to us all.
Thank you for sharing this. I have been a victim of identity theft in the past myself, and I know how it can ruin your life (nothing with shake you to the core like going to the bank, checking your life savings, and finding out that someone has left you 17 USD out of many years of work and scrimping).

I'm very glad you were able to work this out, and hope the learning experience helps you and others avoid such things in the future.
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