Updates – What’s Been Going On

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I’ve just finished some updates to the Colony’s structure and functioning, see below for changes.

Permissions in The Back Room have been slightly changed to reflect the fact that this is, as much as we can make it, a private area in which Litopians can ask for or exchange information that is somewhat confidential. Paradoxically, the business of publishing (i.e. making things public) is actually quite hush-hush.

So this area is really for Patrons, i.e. full members. Basic members will be able to see the titles of threads, but not the content. Non-members will not see it at all, and the area is not indexable by search engines.

Patrons will be able to create Private Threads, i.e. threads into which they can invite certain other members. They will also be able to fully delete their own threads at will. Members who are invited into a Private Thread will be automatically informed, there is no need (unless you want to) to send them a message.

Basic (i.e. free) members can now use the Messaging System fully. Previously they could respond to, but not start, conversations.

The Writing Groups continue to allow Basic members complete access. Further, Basic members using the Groups can now create and invite other members to Private Threads (as above) and can also delete their own threads at any point.

Finally, Gift Upgrades are now available for both a fixed 3 months ($25) and a fixed 12 months ($99.99). If you would like to express your appreciation to any other Litopian for their contributions to the community over this past year, giving a Gift Upgrade is a really nice way to do it. Go to the Upgrade Control Panel, scroll to the bottom where it says “Gift Upgrades”, fill in the member's name and you’re away. You can even give anonymously, which is certain to drive your recipient crazy trying to figure out who their kind benefactor is!

More updates coming soon.
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