UK or US English settings?

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Eva Ulian

Full Member
Nov 16, 2018
Venice - Italy
Coming from the UK, I obviously use UK English on my pc settings, however I send more submissions to the US than the UK and I noted one agency in the US clearly stated they wanted the submission in US English spelling. Because of this I didn't query them as it meant having two copies of the manuscript which may cause confusion as I am always changing bits here and there.

Up to now I have always queried US Agents and Publishers in UK English spelling and have never had complaints but I am wondering if as in the above instance, I am penalized in sending my ms in UK English?

Anyone else going through the same experience?

I would also like to hear from @Carol Rose ... she's always helped me out when I got in a fix. ;)
That's an excellent question. I'd love to hear what everyone is doing. I remember raising this (with I don't know who), and they said people are used to different types of spelling, so just go with your own. But if agents request US English, that idea throws a spanner in the works!
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