Two Volunteers Needed for Another Tech Rehearsal Please!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Geoff and Jonny were kind enough to volunteer about an hour of their time last week for a Pop-Ups tech rehearsal. We have a lot of new procedures & equipment that aren’t, at the moment, playing very nicely with each other. Yesterday’s show was better in this respect, but there are still some issues, mostly audio, that need patient resolving.

The only way to do this is to do a tech rehearsal, i.e. I’ll need two kind volunteers to play the role of two guests calling in. Needless to say, the show will not be broadcast, so you could do it in your pyjamas if you really insist :)

I’m aiming to do it at 5pm this Wednesday UK time. Please pop your name below if you’d like to help out… thanks!
Thanks folks :) Very nice of you to volunteer. Hopefully this will be the last one we need before the tech settles down. I'll take the top two please, i.e. Barbara & Eva. Will PM you connection info, it's not difficult, you've both been on our Huddle, and it's easier than that. :) p.
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