Tor Books currently open for short, dark fiction

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I sent one of mine to them a few days ago. They have a reputation for being very slow, and they don't like simsubs, so you have to be prepared for one of your stories to be tied up with them and them alone for six months to a year....And it will probably still get rejected at the end of that.
This must be the only business in the world where one party gets an exclusive right of consideration for free -- in most industries that would be a right that people would pay money for. But I can see why that would never work in the world of fiction...
Ooh This might be one for you @David Steele and @Marc Joan!

Thanks, Karen. I'm not ready for this yet, and all my shorts are below 2,500 words at the moment.
Maybe next year!

I'm still not sure whether I'm going to go down the shorts route. Might just crack on with Book two... It would be useful if I could EVER stop editing my MS and write something new, though.
Thanks, Karen. I'm not ready for this yet, and all my shorts are below 2,500 words at the moment.
Maybe next year!

I'm still not sure whether I'm going to go down the shorts route. Might just crack on with Book two... It would be useful if I could EVER stop editing my MS and write something new, though.
Book 2.... :D ... Oh Please please please PLEASE do that!
You've got mine to keep you going for now, lassie.
I know :) all of it mwahahahahaha!!!

I was thinking about yours actually. Will email you later but it's about still having the "trilogy" but releasing it as 1 book... will email you later tonight when I get a sec x
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