Fanfare! Tomorrow’s Live Event

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Hello Everyone –

We have a Litopia Meetup tomorrow, Sunday 2nd October. A lot has changed technically since the last (aborted!) attempt at a meetup, so do please read the following carefully.

There is a new page inside the Colony specifically to host our all regular live events. You’ll find it at the bottom of the main menu, marked “Litopia Live”. Here is the link to go there directly:

Litopia Live

At the top of this new page, you’ll see a simple chat room. This is for your use at any time, even when there are no events scheduled. It’s very easy to use, and if you need any help at any point during a live event, this is the place to ask for it.

Below the chat room, you’ll see a box entitled “Litopia Mumble Room”. This is where the action takes place!

Before you can join the live event, you’ll have to download and install the Mumble client on your computer, from the link on the page. This should be pretty easy, but there are some FAQs on the page – and you can also ask for help in the chat room.

What I’d like to do tomorrow (Sunday) is to start from 4pm UK, to allow everyone to install and become familiar with the Mumble software.

Because this may take a little time, what I propose to do is to host *another* live event next Sunday, October 9th. The theme of this one will be The First Page, and I encourage you to submit the first page of your current work for (gentle!) analysis.

This is a major step forwards for the Colony, and I do look forward to meeting you tomorrow!
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I’d like to work towards more frequent meetups, possibly every week. But one step at a time, and the first thing to do is to get a technical platform that reliably does what we need it to do.

Folk will notice, I’m sure, that we have “regressed” to an audio platform, backed up by a solid chat room (if things get too techie, you can always scream for help in the chat room!).

I’ve done this for several reasons. First, the technology is solid and proven. It doesn’t require superfast internet speed, and it isn’t fussy about WiFi connections. Also, I’m not convinced we always need to see each other in order to communicate effectively. Particularly, on Sundays, it might be rather nice for some of us to “meet” in our pajamas... no-one will know! And also, the cost of an audio server is trivial compared to what I was paying for video.

Anyway, I hope as many Litopians as possible can join us tomorrow, especially newcomers.
I wish I could make this but am playing matchmaker tonight! ;) Hope it goes well for everyone..including the two victims hubby and I are meeting with later :D
Unfortunately I am travelling today, coming back from France. I will try and make it today, but it is doubtful. I should be okay for the 9th however. Will there be a summary of today's meet up available?Geoff
I am currently talking to my broadband provider's technical team about my appalling connection speeds. Even though I pay extra for a fibre connection the speeds would embarrass a snail. No doubt this is all my fault as a consumer and could not possibly be the responsibility of my provider!

Hopefully everything will be fixed and up to speed by 4 p.m. so that I can join in.
Unfortunately, I woke up about the time you were all starting the chat and then had to feed everyone. We were out of dog food so I had to go to the store. And then we were out of eggs... Anyway, I wasn´t able to make it. But I did do some tests and I think I'll be able to hear everyone next week. My computer is still having issues with the microphone, though. I hope I can fix that before the meeting.
Is it possible that we could have a replay?o_O
BTW--I´m perfectly fine with not being seen, as 4pm my time is about 9 in the morning.
Maybe we'll record the next one, so that other Litopians can hear what we get up to. However, the general rule - unless clearly indicated otherwise - is that these events should not be recorded by anyone, since that allows us all to speak freely and to discuss w.i.p. etc :)
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