Fanfare! This Week’s Pop-Ups With Extra Fun… Join Us!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
This coming Sunday’s Pop-Ups will be the last before we close down for the Summer hols. We’ll be back on Sunday 23rd September with a very special publishing guest!

Meanwhile, I’d like to make this week’s show totally legendary, so I’m planning on a number of games (word!) for the chat (room!) to play… in additional to the usual clerihews, mordant wit, etc etc.

So in short – make sure you join us for this one, you’ll have a ball!
you’ll have a ball

That sounds like a promise for a prize already. Virtual tennis balls, maybe? Or are authors the golfer types? Who knows ...

Oh, I know: ball pens. '... join us for this one, you'll have a ball pen.'

Ok, I need to stay away from coffee. I'll also have to sit this one out, un4tnly. Got something on this Sunday, but I shall be there .. in virtual spirit.
Pop-Ups schedule has been amended for the next few weeks, pls see separate post.
Unfortunately I’m working, bearing in mind I get over a bout of food poisoning :(
I'll only be free for a few minutes of tonight's show (have to be somewhere else, weep). But **enjoy the party**!!
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