Fanfare! The Other Side of Here

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Nov 28, 2014
An island in the Caribbean
Hi everyone – now that you’ve seen the cover, I wanted to let you all know this is my first dip into self-publishing via KDP Select. It’s been a surprisingly straightforward process. I have kicked against self-publishing for a while but as I'm not going to attract an agent or a publisher with a short story collection, I thought I'd release this myself as an experiment.

For any of you who are interested, my collection of short stories and poems, “The Other Side of Here” is available for FREE for the next 48 hours on Kindle. There are 21 stories/poems for adults and 5 for children.

If you’d like a copy, download it here:

If you liked the collection, or one story in particular, I’d be eternally grateful for a review!
Congratulations! Just taken a peek. I like the Ralph story, first piece to grab my eye. Is that an old Raphael reference too, I wonder. Healing of God. Grumpton, - funny surname :) Best of luck with it.
David - wow thanks so much!

It is interesting you should mention developing some into longer works - I have done this with two short stories not included in this collection. So, which one(s) grabbed your attention?

Thank you again!
I particularly liked 'a beginning and an end', but I wanted it to continue. The concept of both partners living some sort of lie, but only one of them knowing it, has a lot of mileage.
Oh, and I absolutely LOVE George Hampton.
Give him his own series.
George Hampton is based in part on my brother-in-law who has Downs Syndrome. I loved writing it and it received some high praise when I posted it in the Houses in the old Litopia, so I'm thrilled you liked it.

A Beginning and an End may well be developed into a novel - I've been toying with the idea for years but am not sure whether I can do it justice - yet.
I've added it to my wishlist for getting when I'm done with my current read. I love short story collections and have contemplated self-publishing a collection myself.
Thanks everyone.... Love teamwork!

I'm releasing it in paperback via CreateSpace in the next week or so. I don't know if anyone else has gone through the process but it's been frustrating and slow- going with the Word setup with headers and sections, and the online review process.

Meerkat - I hope you'll enjoy the book. If you need any advice on the self-pubbing process via KDP Select, let me know.
Been there done that Island Writer, but once you've done it, next time is a lot easier. Wish I could use Create Space as their prices are lower than Lulu, but unfortunately they don't accept authors from the southern hemisphere. Usually (with Lulu anyway) you have to buy a copy first and proof read that before they let you release it, which is actually a good idea. Hope it all goes well for you ;)
Been there done that Island Writer, but once you've done it, next time is a lot easier. Wish I could use Create Space as their prices are lower than Lulu, but unfortunately they don't accept authors from the southern hemisphere. Usually (with Lulu anyway) you have to buy a copy first and proof read that before they let you release it, which is actually a good idea. Hope it all goes well for you ;)
I don't think it would matter when you reside in Scotland. You are an honorary Scot and that's that ;)
I don't think it would matter when you reside in Scotland. You are an honorary Scot and that's that ;)
I wish, but unless you have a bank account there, or the USA you can't use Create Space. Unfortunately have to get certain paperwork done (long process) before one is allowed to even open a bank account in the UK. Working on it though ;)
Well done! Sorry, I missed the free hand-out, but hope to acquire your stories with legal tender at some point. Do I need one of those kindle thingies to get it, or can I just get it on a pdf or something? If the former, I shall have to put a kindle on the Christmas list, which I have resolutely avoided so far....
Well done! Sorry, I missed the free hand-out, but hope to acquire your stories with legal tender at some point. Do I need one of those kindle thingies to get it, or can I just get it on a pdf or something? If the former, I shall have to put a kindle on the Christmas list, which I have resolutely avoided so far....
If you have Android or IPad etc you can just download the app on it to read. Although maybe more comfortable on a PC.
Living on a tiny island with one bookshop, makes getting books difficult and expensive as they have to be shipped. The Kindle reading app has been an absolute godsend!

I love my Kindle - it's made life so much easier! I still love 'real' books but ebooks have their uses too - especially being able to change and enlarge the font.
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