First of all, many Litopians will know that I’m suitably jaundiced / cynical about most attempts to “monetize the slushpile” that we’re constantly seeing everywhere now. It’s as if many of us in the industry have forgotten that the main purpose of the publishing business is – surprise! – to actually sell books, and instead we’re chasing the megabucks of seminars and writing “academies”.
I’m not going to lecture you (uh, not at the moment!) about everything that’s wrong with that particular construct.
However, I think I’ve got a pretty good alternative.
I’ve learnt an awful lot in Huddles (and also, less directly, by doing Pop-Up Submissions) about what writers feel they most need in terms of education / support / confidence / know-how.
There are probably about a dozen key topics that writers either really want to know more about – or they really need to know more about (note the difference, folks!).
I don’t believe in over-academicising writing, and I don’t believe in over-commoditising it. Both of these extremes in fact take power away from writers, and turn them into consumers.
Writers aren’t consumers. They’re actually producers; with vibrant, strong and unique voices.
Nevertheless, there are some basics you gotta know.
So here’s my idea. We’re going to be doing a restricted number of seminars. On topics that (I’m pretty certain) most writers will benefit from knowing more about.
These seminars will be free to Full Members.
Yes, I did say – *** free *** !
Even to non-members or non-paying members, the cost will be very, very affordable… around the $19.95 mark.
Yes, some people will want to pay hundreds (or thousands) of dollars for the same seminar experience because… if it costs more, it must be worth more. Well, let them.
I hope you like this idea.
I hope you come along to the first seminar on Saturday 4th September.
And I hope you spread the word because… this will only work if people know what we’re doing, like what we’re doing, and support us.